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Do you think advertising gambling should be allowed?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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gambling, casino chips
Source: Morguefile

While gambling is being discouraged by the government to stop people getting into debt, or addicted, at the same time, more and more television ads are promoting it, whether it be or online Bingo or sport betting apps. Do you think this is hypocritical? Do you think there should be a ban on TV advertising of gambling like there is a ban on advertising smoking?

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Yes. I enjoy going to the casino occasionally and only take around $20 to avoid overspending. However I can see how it could be addictive. With gambling you really are set up to lose, while the casino sit back and make millions.
Yes, advertising for gambling should be banned. Plain and simple.
by Vee
YES. Here, here!
by Miro
It really annoys me seeing so much advertising for gambling. The adverts aren't always crystal clear about exactly how much you are going to end up spending. They make is sound marvellous, and that you are going to win loads, and people are drawn in by it. Even if they don't intend on spending much, the lure, once you've signed onto something like an online gambling site is very strong.

While I do not think there should be an all out ban, I think there needs to be much tighter regulations:

1. The amount of advertising that is allowed to be shown.
2. What channels it is allowed to be shown on.
3. What time of the day it is allowed to be shown on.
4. Not to have it glamourised.

Yes, I do as those who are not interested won't go anyway e.g. ME! Doesn't interest me in the slightest so no amount of advertising would make me go.

I realise there are others who it could possibly affect but I do not think there should be a ban on advertising for gamling.
by Finy
Yes, there should be a ban on advertising gambling.
People get hooked in, and before you know it! Bam...your in trouble.
It's looked..... at as easy money, but you have to loose so much....before even getting a look in on the win, if it ever comes.
The odds are stacked against the player.
Gambling can ruin lives, people can easily blow all their money on one bet and take years to recover financially if at all, so it shouldn't be encouraged as a thing to do.
No advertising for any type of Gambling !!! There is only one aim in gambling, and that is to make money. But to win money, you need to spend money. It really doesn't matter whether you buy a raffle ticket at your child's school, buy a weekly lottery ticket or play the tables at the casino. It's ALL gambling. But, when it's an organised gambling business, in it for the profits, then the potential for harm is enormous. I know we will never stop gambling. What I would like to see is that the laws are changed so that none of the profits leave this country, so I would also advocate that no foreign ownership is permitted, of Australian gambling ventures. And every gambling based business, must have a commitment program that is linked to supporting the needy in our society. This does not mean sponsor a footy team. it means sponsor those who are experiencing difficulty and need charitable support.
No, I don't think it should be allowed.
by kimp
Both gambling AND alcohol adverts should be banned.
Both cause innumerable problems, that ripple affect thousands of persons.
I really dislike watching the ads for gambling, particularly when watching evening football programs. If you are going to ban certain people from advertising their living, then ban them all.
There is absolutely NO need to advertise gambling. Addictions need no help to get started.
by Rice
Is it any different showing horse racing where gambling is the main stay of the sport.
The same with banning smoking commercials and yet the Government takes millions in revenue.
People are free to make choices but balance it with health warnings that are factual.
We seem to becoming a "nanny state" (country)..

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