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Do you tend to eat the same thing at lunch time every day?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you tend to eat the same thing for lunch every day?

#Same thing
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I actually do if I am home.

Rye bread with Jarlsberg cheese, often some Wasabi, cucumber, white raddish (when available) and sometimes tomato on an open sandwich.
by Finy
No. Some days I eat leftovers from dinner, sometimes sandwiches, pasta, whatever I feel like that's reasonably quick and easy.
When at work I tried to vary my lunch mucho possible.

Now I can do that much more interestingly as retired!
My variety is endless, yummy & healthy as!
No way.

Tooooo boring!....LOL

I hate doing the same old thing, so we have a change as much as possible....unless, it's something ( I really love.)

Even then, I like change in food.
No.the only time I might have the same or similar, consecutively,is if I have leftovers or have managed to buy something I really love,when it is on special!!!
Otherwise I eat whatever I feel like which is available in my pantry and fridge!
If I am home I don't have the same thing every time, get a bit bored. I have either a hard boiled egg or an egg done in the MW with a bit of cheese. I vary the protein but always have an apple after
by Fran
Yes - I eat the same thing almost everyday for my lunch. I never seem to have the time to think about it.
by AJ
No. I have a real antipathy for eating the same thing over and over, so I do a menu plan for the week and make sure that every day is different! Variety is the spice of lunch for me :)
Nice :)
by jonaja
No that would be boring. I try to mix it up to prevent monotony.
by Gia
I'm a bit strange , I either like to have American mustard and maille mustard sandwiches.
Or I have bbq sauce and mozzarella cheese sandwiches cooked in a toasty machine or heated in a microwave so that the cheese melts.
open the frig door and select whatever is there for a sandwich usually
Yes most of the time
Yes. I have fructose intolerance and know I am safe with Eggs and cheese and half a banana'
Winter. I favour a ham,cheese,tomato sandwich done in my toastie.... most days.
Nope. I like variety. It is the spice of life so they say ;)
I mostly have a few slices of cheese with peanut butter on top. I know, unhealthy! If it's a really cold day, I may have a toasted sandwich with cheese, tomato, pickles or chutney, or an egg/bacon toasted sandwich with sweet chilli sauce.
by Miro
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