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Do you talk in your sleep?

by Vee (follow)
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I have twice woken myself up by talking too loudly in my sleep. It sounds ridiculous, I know. But, what's more ridiculous is the time I heard my sister singing the Australian national anthem in her sleep!

Do you sleep talk?

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To the point I have woken myself up!
I love it when I am laughing in my sleep, because it really has to be very funny
what ever it is..... I am dreaming about.
I've done that too. I wish I could remember the joke when I woke up.
Me too! I once hit my head in my sleep though and woke up laughing, which was strange but funny.
by Vee
lol...that's funny! ;)
by jonaja
Sometimes. My kids do too. The other day my son was meowing like a cat in his sleep.
Hahahahaha, that's as good as my sister singing the Australian anthem in hers.
by Vee
Not as far as I know. I've never woken myself up talking!

Something I used to do a lot when I was much younger.
I sometimes sleep talked when I was a kid. But that thing went away as I grew up.
Sleep talking, walking and eating!
Wow, sleep eating? I've never heard that one.
by Vee
Every now and then, although I mostly wake up in a cold sweat due to nightmares. Sleep often evades me nowadays.
That's unfortunate Xarah; sleep is very important. Do you cope with the lack of it ok?
by Vee
When I'm stressed I tend to talk more in my sleep. Usually there's nothing coherent, and my partner has told me that I've said some pretty strange things.

It's worth keeping an eye on though. If you're talking more during a certain period it may reflect some problems or issues that you're having.
I don't know!

No one has ever told me I do, so I guess that means I do not.

Sometimes in a dream I feel I am screaming but I do not think I really am.
by Finy
No. Way too busy being in a very deep sleep!
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