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Do you take your car regularly to a car wash?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Do you take your car regularly to a car wash?

#Car wash
#Clean car
#Motor car
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I do and this is what reminded me to ask this question.

My back is too bad to be able to clean the car properly anymore so I happily take it every 3 orf 4 months and have it done totally.

It comes back both looking, and smelling like a brand new car and I love it!
Currently it is like this and I dont even like to drive it and tomorrow is forecast rain, so I will not go out and get my clean car wet.

I generally have it done less often in winter when roads are wet and muddy.
by Finy
Very occasionally but mostly just hose it down...I used to clean it myself but back not good enough now...it's a bugger getting older....yep it sucks!
by Fran
but beats the alternative yello
by Finy
Being young you mean! That was great....ha ha (I know you mean being dead)
by Fran
Finy, WTF?! LOL, your images are getting increasingly more provocative! My husband wanted me to tell you that he washes, polishes and buffs the car. He would like to do it more often and insists that nobody else lays a hand on "his" car. Mind you, I'm the one who drives it.
by Vee
i put these boobie photos on to get a comment from Vee!! LOL -actually I was looking for a picture for another question and this was there which reminded me of car washes
by Finy
by Vee
I rarely take my car to the car wash. I primarily do it myself along with my sons. Its a good bonding opportunity.
About once a year I get it professionally washed. The rest do the time I do it myself. I do a pretty good job of it and by the time I've taken all the junk out that a accumultes from having 3 kids travelling in it, the washing and vacuuming are the easy part.
I am not good for washing the car - I remind myself often that I need to do it but only manage to actually do it twice a year. We don't use our car that often so it doesn't really get too dirty
by AJ
Our car generally gets washed just before we head off on a road trip - so maybe once a year! My partner will generally be the one to take it to one of those self serve car wash places.
Never!!! I do not own a car!!! Hee Hee!!
I do take it to the car wash.

But only if it is very dirty and
I am unwell at the time to wash it.
You can go past $10
I wash the car myself and every now and then the other half takes control of the bucket and sponge. Really don't do it often enough though.
No. Used to as passed one on way home from work. Only used it when car was filthy & I was embarrassed by it! (It's white!).
Used to before it got too old.

Now the rain washes it for me!
by fran.
No, the car gets a car wash about 3 times a year!! And I cheat, I go to one of those car wash places.
no, last time was about 3 years ago.
many years ago daughters car alarm was set off by the water getting to it what fun we had trying to turn the alarm off,

No. We go maybe twice a year. If it needs to be done before then, we do it ourselves. We don't do off road driving or anything so it doesn't get THAT dirty.
I don't drive, but my husband takes the car out once or twice a week, for 10-20k's & washes his car once or twice a year. He parks the car 3/4 of the way up the drive, under lots of trees, that we have on both sides of the drive, all the way up the drive, so we get a LOT of leaves & dirt on the old car!
by Miro
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