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Do you take vitamin supplements?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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Do you feel the need to take any vitamin supplements? Or is your diet rich enough to keep you fit?

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I take calcium and magnesium.
Nope, I like to get my nutrition naturally, rather than rely on supplements.
I don't.
I should...esp now at my age.
I found they made me eat more?
Yes I do take. There are some vitamins like D, B12, E, folic acid which the diet doesn't meet adequately. And the deficiencies do not show until its too late. Later on, instead of taking injections, I'd rather take a tablet from now on.
If I am just getting a cold I like to have tonnes of vitamin c, so I take some chewable vitamin C tablets because I can't get that amount of vit C quickly enough otherwise. Apart from that, no, I try to get vitamins and minerals from my diet. It seems to be working okay.
I used to take them regularly, but once I switched to a diet with a lot lf organics, I found I didn't need them.
I don't take any vitamins supplement.
I don't take vitamin supplements. Unless I am pregnant, there is no need.
by Vee
Vitamin E, multi B and Evening Primrose Oil got me through the menopause on my ear and other assorted body parts. I''ve now dropped E and added calcium. C for when I feel a cold coming on.
Yes I take multivitamins, my daily routine is never balanced. Full of stress, lack of sleep, irregular food intake.So I figure if the body can use a little extra help, then it's quick and convenient to take a pill.
Being from a South Asian country, I've been taking Vit D3 pills combined with Calcium intake. And recently after a detailed checkup, I've been advised to take B12 as I'm a vegetarian and don't get much proteins majorly available in meat. I've chosen to ignore instructions on consuming supplements for Iron and Vitamin C, I want to include these through my diet instead.
Else I'll become ill just by consuming all those pills!
an easy answer, no,
No, my GP reckons I'm healthy enough!
Eat sparingly, & good, basic food.
And I don't smoke!
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