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Do you take selfies?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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'Selfie' is the new top word of 2013; it means to take a picture of yourself with a mobile phone or other mobile device. Do you take selfies? How often do you take them, and why/who for?

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No I don't really like to take photos of myself. I find that I always look unnaturally posed or funny. I prefer photos that other people take of me when I am not posing, but am instead doing something natural.
I do.
Every 6-8 months, just to see what I really look like.LOL
I do take selfies of my son and I together and I do it on most of our adventures as we travel together. I remember when junior was little I would take pictures of him or of him and his dad, but I was never in the photos. Then one day as we looked through our pictures my son asked me why I didn't come different places with him. I explained that I was the one who was always there but behind the camera. As a result I started taking selfies since there is usually no one around to take pics of us two together and I want to capture all the special moments we have shared.
Maybe I should start doing that, I'm never in our family outing pictures for the same reason.
Not of just me by myself, but sometimes I will take one of me and the kids, because otherwise I never appear in any of the family photos. It's not just for me, I think it will be nice for the kids to have some pictures of us together to look back on.
I take the occasional selfie if I want to update my social networking profile, but otherwise I don't bother that much with them.
I've taken a couple on my mobile, but the camera at the front is really crappy quality so I don't do it very often.
Once in a while I do. Not very often anymore. Don't like those wrinkles when I am tired.
I like taking selfies! :)
I do take selfies but they usually get deleted, unless my children are in it with me! :-)
I'd say no, but I have taken a few for the blog, but only when my face is obscured, so I guess that doesn't count...
I do not own a mobile phone. But very occasionally I will take one while out with my husband in his phone
I don't anymore -they show things up nowadays that I do not like to see, so just avoid selfies.
by Finy
Not really. I do take pictures of other people - and usually I have their permission ;)
I did it just because but it feels a bit narcissistic to be so into myself
by Gia
No. Just plain not my 'scene'!
No. Like Donjo, it's just not my 'thing'. And apart from the family reasons some of you have stated, I find that it's just too egomaniacal. Morons like the Kardashians, who are forever pouting at themselves or posing half naked in the mirror....eck. Just how much can you love yourself??
No, I think generally it is a vain thing.
Nojustno. I hate photos of myself and have always hated having my photo taken.
by Rice
Ditto! Unless it's a legal requirement, I just will not step in front of a camera. There's no such thing as a good photo of me.
by poppy
No, not my thing.
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