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Do you take public transport to major sporting events?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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We all know that parking can be difficult to find at major sporting events, but is that enough to put you off taking the car?

#Public Tansport
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Yes, I do and I've found it so much easier and cheaper than driving and parking my car. Car parks for sporting events tend to be ridiculously busy and queuing to get out is horrendous. Not to mention inflated parking charges.
Absolutely. Public transport is less of a headache at such major events.
Yes, for me it is! I've been to Grand Prix and tried to park. It was a nightmare getting into and out of the car park and cost me a fortune in parking fees. I'd much rather park at my local train station and ride in.
I don't drive, so I wouldn't have a choice. Not that I would want to go to a sporting event anyway.
I generally drive, as I find getting back home on public transport is usually a nightmare.
I usually take public transport to major sporting events, and generally into the city due to parking and post-event traffic issues. But Melbourne transport is increasing rates yet again for weekend public transport which is really discouraging, because now it will be cheaper for the whole family to drive & park at a central venue, which we are not happy about. We prefer the public transport over driving for so many reasons. It will also mean that we won't be able to go to the city and enjoy the activities as frequently as we do now.
Usually, yes - Unless it's the SCG, then I drive and park.
Most times - yes. In Brisbane, if travelling to Suncorp stadium for a particular event, the buses are usually free and very well organised so it's quite convenient. If it's an event at Boondall, it's just easier to take the car as it's so far away and there is a huge parking area.
Personally not a sports fan, but as a busy volunteer I use public transport at least twice a week. I would never go into the city in my vehicle for any reason - no parks and parking too expensive.
Don't attend those. Not interested in those types' of sport.
I dont go to major sporting events but if I did I would definitely rather go by public transport.
by Finy
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