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Do you take photos to capture your favourite moments?

by elise (follow)
Photography (22)      Memories (18)      Capture (1)      Moments (1)     


With today’s technology, we are never short of a camera anytime anywhere. We can just take out our smart phones and snap away at every moment possible. Some people think that taking photos is a great way to capture the moment and enjoy the photos in the future. However, some people think that being in the moment is the best way to capture the moment in memory. What do you think?

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Yes I always make full use of my camera. In fact I quickly transfer them to picasa so they always stay safe.
Yes always. Great to store those good memories. With digital, there are no need for multiple photo albums.
yes, especially now that we have kids. I'm sadly finding that babies grow up all too fast, and for me, it's really important to capture these special moments and memories. I try to find a balance between enjoying special times with my kids, and constantly being their photographer. Sometimes, the best moments can't be captured, and you just have to enjoy it for what it is. In addition to photos, I also write down some of the funny things my toddler says. He's three now and at an age where he comes out with just the funniest things, and I know over time I will forget all these unique personality soundbites. To capture these, I keep a little journal. I will do the same when my 6 month old starts talking.
I don't have a phone with a camera.

I do have a digital camera, but alas! forget to take it out with me.
So I guess you would say, I fall short of those wonderful pictures one can capture. :(

Sure I do. As you said, with smartphones so prevalent we've always got a camera to hand. In fact, having a good camera is a feature I put a lot of time into researching when looking for a new phone these days - it's always on hand to
capture memories. With small kids I snap away on the iPhone often.
I do like taking photos to capture special times. Unfortunately the camera on my phone takes poor quality photos and I often forget to bring my digital camera when I leave the house.
by Vee
Yes, 1 should savour the moment in my memory I feel, but i’ve ALWAYS taken a camera with me every time I’ve left the house, just in case I see some lovely patterns in the form of architecture, that I can use for ideas for the odd collage cards I make. When I’m walking with my mother she seems to get a bit frustrated that I’m always pulling out a camera. I back-packed around Bali for 3 weeks in from early Jan ‘95 with my then much younger daughters, & a g/f with her 16 year son. I was AWAYS taking photos. She didn’t have a camera, & said she likes keeping it all in her memory. (And I still think she doesn’t own a camera!)
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