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Do you take any herbal fish oil or similar supplements?

by Finy (follow)
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Herbal (3)      Herbal supplements (1)      Fish oil (1)      Green Lipped Mussel (1)      Omega 3 (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you take fish oil or similar?

Do you think these work?

#Herbal supplements
#Fish oil
#Green Lipped Mussel
#Omega 3
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I take Green Lipped Mussel which is actually quite a bit more expensive than fish oil.

I do not know if it really works as have not tried going off it. Even if it does not help for joint problems I think it is good for heart as well.

With these ones you have to take double dose for 3 months, and I have been taking them for some 3 years now.
by Finy
Finy, I reckon you try coming off them and seeing if you notice a difference. Most of that supplement business is a waste of money. Why do you think they're always on sale?!
by Vee
by Vee
by jonaja
look at that gross picture next to your reply or is that what you are LOL about?
by Finy
LOl, that's what I think of those supplements. Unless you are genuinely and greatly deficient, then there is no need to take them. Otherwise, you may as well throw your money down the toilet. ;)
by Vee
Supplements do work.
I don't take any...they make me want to eat and eat.
So I just eat a lot of Veg all the time.
I think that's the best way. ;) With supplements, most of the time all you pay for is expensive pee. Notice when you go to the loo and it's fluorescent? Yup, that's your body expelling your $30-$40 purchase.
by Vee
by jonaja
I did take krill oil at one point then I stopped taking it - I never notice any difference while I was taking it and haven't noticed any difference since I stopped taking it
by AJ
Yes I take Fish Oil
by Fran
I have to take Folate as I am on a medication which depletes this from my system. I do also use calcium regularly.In winter I will use Vitamin C if I am not getting enough freshly in my diet.
i was taken off calcium as they now say it CAN cause heart problems.
by Finy
I take an omega 3 supplement as our fish intake is really sporadic. I also take iron as my levels are exceptionally low. I prefer to get my nutrients from food though! Much cheaper, tastier and more effective!
are you vegetarian?
by Finy
No, I'm not vegetarian. I eat meat really regularly. But I had undiagnosed coeliac disease for, we don't know how long (it can affect nutrient absorption) and I also lost a lot of blood after my second bub was born. So I've been struggling for a bit over a year to get my iron stores back up. The fact that I've been either pregnant and / or breastfeeding for 3 and a half years probably hasn't helped lol
by lizzi
I take fish oil every day and find it really assists my brain function.
Also my GP has also asked if I take them suggesting they are worth taking

On my GP's advice, no, as not required for my health regimen.
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