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Do you take advantage of the reading materials supplied in cafes?

by grann (follow)
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Reading materials

My mother once told me I would read the side of the cornflakes packet if there was nothing else available, so if I'm not rudely checking my phone, I'll get stuck into any reading materials available in a cafe. I know this can be quite anti-social, so I read the mood of my fellow diners and TRY to act accordingly. How do you react to the supply of reading matter in this situation?

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Ever since I have owned an iPhone I hardly ever touch magazines or newspapers anymore. Everything I could ever want to read is right at my finger tips everywhere I go. I just love it.
If I am alone in a cafe then I will read magazines. Why not? Actually, I don't read them so much as I look at the pictures or fill out puzzles.
by Vee
Tracie, I'm with you. I almost always have my phone in my face if I'm waiting for food or sipping a coffee. If I'm only going to be waiting for a minute or two, then yes, I'll grab whatever available magazines or newspapers are in front of me instead of pulling out my phone, but that is rare.
Not in cafes. I'm only in a cafe to socialise. No point reading (or playing on my phone).
Not in cafes but if in a doctor's waiting room then magazine it is
Definitely not if I'm with a friend. I, too, tend to use my phone or iPad if I'm by myself and filling in time. Got to love technology!
I generally do not read this material as I am generally with someone, however on the odd occasion that I am alone, I will sometimes read a magazine.

If in a cafe, I have a problem eating and reading anyway, though I do read the magazines in the hairdresser and sometimes in the doctor waiting rooms.
I wish doctors would update them though!
by Finy
Ditto to updated mags, Finy.
by grann
If the daily paper is available, I'll read that, as I don't 'get' the paper.
Once finished reading it, I'll offer it to another person there, instead of putting back in its' rack.
I don't bother reading magazines', as their articles' don't interest me.
With you on all counts, donjo. I think the content of some TV programs as well as magazines is a sad indictment of our society.
by grann
Oh! grann, you're SO right!
These so-called 'reality' shows' are the 21st Century equivalent to the 'Bread & Circuses', of ancient Roman times!
They were/are being used to take the minds(?) of the populace 'off' the more important aspects of the day! Just mindless rubbish!
Yes, & a VERY sad indictment of our Nation's IQ level!
by donjo
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