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Do you take a bottle of water with you when you leave the house?

by Vee (follow)
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water bottle
progerino, morguefile.com

Staying hydrated throughout the day can be a real effort, so it helps to carry a bottle of water with you when you leave the house.

Do you carry a water bottle with you?

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Yes, nearly always. I drink a lot of water and often feel thirsty when out and about. I don't like having the weight in my bag but have concluded that is better than being dehydrated1
I think the weight in my bag motivates me to drink it all! Haha.
by Vee
Several large ones. Much cheaper!
Yes, every time!
I keep a few bottles in the car and also try to remember to take a frozen one for my daughter who has decided that she will only drink ice cold water...
Yes, one for myself and one for the kids. I drink a lot of water. It's a pity it's so heavy to carry but I consider it an essential.
I would not leave home without one.
Driving down the road, all of sudden a huge need for water.
I can have a coughing fit, otherwise.
If I am going to be away from home for a couple of hours or more I take water with me.
I do sometimes when I remember when I am going to work, as to get water, I need to go up and down a whole lot of stairs.

I bought one of those stainless water flasks for this occasion, however it really annoys me when people go out and have this old plastic water bottle with them, and continually drink from it instead of asking the cafe or whatever for a glass of water.

I do it overseas as I do not drink the water however in my own state, I would not go out to a cafe with this awful plastic bottle.

Even when I am walking I would not carry water as am only away from home for about 30 minutes and I drink water before I leave and if need be, when I get home.
by Finy
LOL! I am guilty of the old plastic bottle crime. However, I bought us three nice, good quality non-toxic plastic bottles a year ago. I have lost one, but they come in handy.
by Vee
No, I don't. I know I really should though. I always wait till I get home before I really have a go at drinking cups of water.
Yes all the time
Frozen. Always. As I sweat so much, need to keep up with the water. Also, put one in car boot, in case one in tote bag runs out! Have one bedside also. Whilst watching tv.

As a consequence, I know the whereabouts of every 'ladies' in the shopping centre! Lol!
by Vee
Yes, (but only tap water,) as I having a lot of coughing fits, day & night!
by Miro
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