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Do you swim outside of the flags at the surf beach?

by Sandy Ludinski (follow)
As a freelance writer I enjoy writing about a variety of subjects. You can read more of my articles on my blog: babybloomin.wordpress.com or at http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/124491/
Swimming (32)      Surf (4)      Lifesaver (1)     

Life saving flag
Image from Google Advanced Image Search

I'm a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to swimming in the surf so always swim between the flags where I can get help from the lifesavers if I need it.

Do you swim outside of the flags?

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Top Answers
I've never swam in an area where there are flags like that.
No...I love the beach but I'm very careful not to take risks as I know the surf can be so dangerous.
Not unless there are no flags, and even then I am careful.
by Vee
I would never swim ever outside of the flags, its stupid to even try.
They are there, to tell people where it is safe to swim, end of story.
No. I'm not that great a swimmer to even try this. I don't want to be a statistic.
I used to when I went every weekend to Bondi Beach, however now I realise I am not invincible and there is no way I would do this any more.

The flags are there for a reason, and having watched that TV show where they rescue people who dont swim in flags, I would not do this again.
by Finy
I do as I'm a surfer an no my limits but it's definitely dangerous if you are unaware of the rips and undercurrents
If there are no flags it's a lot worse as there may not be a life guard patrolling that beach so be safe
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