Do you subscribe to Foxtel or a similar pay TV service?
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No I do not.
I used to have Foxtel but once they started put advertisements on it, I dropped them several months later.
I think it is a cheek to charge you for the TV and then put ads on so I doubt if I would get pay TV again.
Also at the time, the programmes were old and I had already seen a lot of them on free TV.
Gee, Finy, what a rip-off! I appreciate the 'heads up'!
There's just so much F-t-A TV programmes now, & with 'streaming', it amazes me people STILL subscribe to pay tv!
No I no need or desire to have any further choices to make when it comes to watching TV.I far prefer to simply choose a gorgeous old book from my extensive collection and enjoy THAT!! i
Nope! No way! I’d rather spend that money on something we really need.
High Five* I wouldn't spend money on it either. Free to air is quite enough for me.
We never have.
Reason being...we don't have the extra cash.
We don't want to spend any more time.....we need too, in front of the t.v.
We have Foxtel. I don't think we actually need it though
No, but must admit getting sick of repeat programs on the free channels, and also the last minute changes to programs meant to be shown but are not on at the times supposed to be on.
There seems to be no accountability for the no show of programs, or the repetition of programs or 3 in a row of the same titled show.
TV Channels please wake up and stop the second rate treatment you are dishing out.
Farley (fed up) thank god for DVDs and players.
Agree totally, Farley!
I VHS tape the f.t.a. TV shows I want to watch, thereby achieving both time shift, & fast fwdng of the useless adverts.
I, too, thank God for this facility, as well as my DVD's, which I love watching.
No. Not going to PAY to watch TV advertising.
Maybe if I could subscribe to JUST BBC Dramas, & Documentaries', I'd consider it.
Donjo, Did you know you can watch those wonderful BBC & Docs' on iview? And there's 100's of movies & Doc's to choose from on, SBS on Demand. All 4 FREE, Yippee! Who would really bother to pay to watch to. MOT ME...Never EVER!
Donjo, Did you know you can watch those wonderful BBC & Docs' on iview? And there's 100's of movies & Doc's to choose from on, SBS on Demand. All 4 FREE, Yippee! Who would bother to pay to watch tv? NOT ME...Never EVER!
Definitely not! It is far too expensive and you'd have to watch for hours on end to get value for money. Sometimes I'd love to watch some of the NRL games that aren't free to air but it's just not worth it in the long run. Besides from what others have said and knowing friends who have unsubscribed from these services, too many old programes are shown so you pay for repeats you probably could have seen on free to air anyway.
Yes - the variety and quality of drama, general interest, educational, so many news and current world affairs channels and documentaries is excellent when you want to sit and watch a bit of tv. As for free to air television - forget it, I find it appalling.
Should have added I have Foxtel IQ which means I can record programmes, thus enabling me to fast forward through ads. The range of programmes makes it money well spent.
I had it for a Year and I cancelled it for the same reason, the Ads gradually drove me crazy, worse than normal free TV. Seeing as I couldn't enjoy the programs for the irritation I have better things to do with my money,
No, we don't have pay TV. We rarely watch any free to air TV either. I like an escapist DVD now and then and always have a book to enjoy.
No we don't. SBS have great documentaries (for me at least),
I would never subscribe to paid tv. It makes you obligated to watch much more tv than you might normally because you need to get your money's worth. I find enough to enjoy on free to air.
I would never subscribe to paid tv. It makes you obligated to watch much more tv than you might normally because you need to get your money's worth. I find enough to enjoy on free to air.
I would never subscribe to paid tv. It makes you obligated to watch much more tv than you might normally because you need to get your money's worth. I find enough to enjoy on free to air.
We used to. Back before we had kids and we actually had time to watch TV LOL! At the moment it is simply not something that would fit into our budget.
Yes, Austar initially then after several years, it became Foxtel. The main benefit was that it was ad-less but they never managed to sign up as many users as they had hoped for so then the adverts came in to pay for the station/s programs. Shame!
No, but I can understand why with the repeat, repeat programs, and rubbish that the various channels select, most of which are either not on time when they are shown or dropped and substituted at the last minute.
Give us a break and get your acts together (channels that are substandard).
Ps thank god for DVD's
NO, I don't suscribe to any T.V. service.
Nope. I cannot think of one single reason I would want Foxtel or any other pay tv service. I don't binge watch, I watch very little tv and quite often wander off to do other things even when I thought I really wanted to watch whatever it was. I have no interest in things like Orange is the New Black, Game of Thrones or Boardwalk Empire etc.
No, me neither Rice! Also, it would be also be a lot of wasted money for us, because we're not at home for 52 weeks of the year to make it worthwhile. I think 1 shouldn't have to pay of it, if 1 is away on holidays! Although having said that, I guess people tape shows, when there away on holidays. What I miss, I miss, & I can usually catch it up on iview, if it's an ABC show anyway.
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