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Do you study for open-book tests or exams?

by Vee (follow)
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open book
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Do you or did you study for open-book exams? I think there's worth in studying for these, but some people may disagree.

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Absolutely! I have sat through several open book exams and not touched the books once :)
If you haven't studied for them, then your lack of knowledge will be apparent to the examiner as soon as they read your script. And why would you be sitting exams if you are not interested in the topic?
I think it's worth studying for any kind of exam. Besides, open-book exams often don't allow much time, so, if you don't study, you'd probably waste a lot of time wading through notes.
by Vee
It is important to understand the work, know your notes well, so you can quickly find the references you want.

Preparation is important if you would like to perform well in the exam.
Yes. You can waste a lot of time looking things up during the exam when you could be answering the question. Also, if it's open book that usually means they will make it harder.
Study was always a must for me.
Absolutely - there is great value in knowing where to find the info you need to answer the questions. I just wish I had more open book exams as they always seem to be closed book for me :-(
by kimp
Last open book exam I had was Military Law!

Had enough exams at School.

Only further study I did was work, which were 'closed book' of course, with minimum pass mark 85%. Never had any problems with those whatsoever.
Studied whilst in Army. Also studied AMEB Speech & Drama, to mid-20's.

Now informally 'study' varying interesting subjects through 'The Great Courses', on DVD.

It keeps 'the little grey cells' working!


Mainly so you know the text book, and know the chapters and where the answers are, for easy reference
I haven't had to wrote an openbook exam in ages but I would certainly study for the exam, openbook or not. I would however study differently, I would study where in the book each subject is located, instead of the answers to question. My goal would be to be able to find an answer quickly, and know that it's correct, instead of memorizing the answer alone.
Yes I do, must have been a boy scout in a previous life. Believe in being prepared!
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