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Do you struggle with can openers?

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Can Opener

Opening a can is not as easy as it seems, and with so many can openers to choose from, this task can end in frustration. Do you struggle with can openers?

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The old school ones are ok. It is the new thick ones that can be challenging. Needless to say, I have not had to open a tin in a long time.
We bought 3 can openers within 3 months. The could not even cut paper if they tried. I did resort to using a knife to open a tin...something a little on the dangerous side. Luckily I bought a can opener that was a little more on the price side and as a result have been having huge success. So I have had my struggles with the can opener but I can say this - right now I am winning! LOL

I'm left handed and used to struggle so much with cannot openers. I got one that is meant to suit lefties, and I managed to work it for a while, but for some reason, I've started struggling again. I've stopped using that one now and finally found one I can use.
Is The Queen English..

I hate can opener's with a passion.
Omg yes!! haha I am so useless when it comes to using those pesky things - I either need cans with those flip-up thingis, or just eliminate the use of cans completely when cooking!
Yes, even expensive ones. I even shudder when opening a ring-pull can, afraid I'll cut myself or end up tipping the can up. I used to have an electric one which worked well.
I have tried the standard one and that was difficult to use, so got one of those new white ones which takes the whole lid off and could never get it in the right spot. So the one I use now is my son. So much easier!
I used to when I used the one you have pictured, however now that I have a different type of can opener, I rarely have a problem.
by Finy
Have used 'Brabantia' brand for decades!
They're a decent size, so you can get a good 'grip' on the situation.
They've never let me down, & I'm only onto my second one, in forty years.

That brand in black, for arthritic hands, seems to be ok, too.
I am unable to use one hand. The only one I can use is the top opener that travels on batteries. It doesn't work on all tins - just goes around. I wrote to Jamie Oliver to find out what he uses. I don't expect a reply. He doesn't produce can openers!
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