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Do you still wear sheer stockings or pantyhose?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you still wear stockings or pantyhose?

#Sheer stockings
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I found some in a drawer the other day and realised that I just never wear them anymore!

Perhaps it is because as I have got older, I wear more "sensible" shoes and not high heels, and I mostly wear pants or shorts and do not wear mini skirts. Sheer stockings and mini skirts, or even knee length skirts, always were a nice look for me, but G O N E....
by Finy
I haven't worn them in a long time. But I do have this pair (minus the bow) which is sheer on top.
by Vee
I wore stockings when I was a child.Now I wear leggings.
That's a Negative.

I use too, but the last time was about 18 years ago.

I don't like the feel anymore.
I have not worn either for more years than I care to think about,but I think that living in the tropics has been the reason I dislike them so much! I did wear gorgeous stockings and corset when I got married,but as soon as the wedding ceremony was over,and I could get changed,they were gone!!!
Yes I still wear them
by AJ
I still wear tights.
Pantihose only occasionally black if with a black dress or the like
by Fran
Last time I had to wear pantyhose was when I was in ARes, with Summer & Winter outfits. That was 37 years' ago.

Haven't worn stockings since left School, 48 years ago!

So, to answer q, NO, & thank goodness, hated them with a passion!

Wear 'knee hi's' now if have to, going out, under long dress, culottes or slacks. Same for Winter Slacks-Suits. Much more comfortable. If wearing 'boots' or 'walkers', it's cotton socks.
Aaah, the freedom!
Yes always, if I'm wearing a dress or skirt. It just looks nicer. It evens out the skin tone and makes wearing heels more comfortable.
Yes but only on special occasions. They rip too easily.

by Gia
Only wear pantyhose if wearing a skirt. My husband used to prefer me in nylons, but I think that's a man thing! Most of the time bare legs - in jeans, crop pants or training gear.
I wear black leggings with all of my dresses, that I wear every day, if I leave the house. i don't think I've worn stockings since I was a teenager! After that, i was wearing pantyhose, until I started buying my dresses, about 5 years ago. I've always worn flat shoes. .
by Miro
I tend not to wear panty hose, I found that they gave me thrush.
I wear pantyhose with dress skirts and knee-highs with wide trousers but otherwise its bare legs for me.
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