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Do you still watch reality shows, and which ones?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you still watch reality shows on television, and if so, which ones?

#Reality shows
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We watch the Bachelor and find it quite interesting, how people act and carry on!
It's just very funny.

I don't think there are any that I watch any more.
I used to watch several however I am now bored by most of them - why do they have to go on and on making the same thing.

I did used to like watching how people react to certain situations however, the whole thing is really false as I would think being in front of a camera is quite different to being in your own surrounds!

NO more reality shows here unless they come up with something that is a good idea -am so sick of seeing the ads for The Block that I wouldnt watch it anyway!
by Finy
Totally agree about The Block ads . . . . I could scream.
by Rice
I have never really been into Reality shows, apart from Gardening Australia,if you you can call this iconic program on ABC a Reality show!!!! I have learned so very much from this program over the years! And Antiques Roadshow,also on ABC!!
I also used to watch Grand Designs,but rarely bother with this either anymore.
I watch3d the very FIRST Master Chef,years ago,but have not been interested in the strange challenges in the further series of that show, And I occasionally will have caught an episode of Australia/Britain's got talent.I just cannot abide the judges comments though and how the cameras keep going away from the acts to see the reactions of the audience.Half of the acts would be missed! So I don't even bother with the few episodes I may have caught! I'd prefer a genuine documentary,a good comedy or Crime show,as well as repeats of Star Trek Voyager, and the like!!! I also have rather been enjoying Marvel's Agent Carter for an escape
Totally agree about BGT - so annoying. Also agree about Agent Carter, it's so delighfully corny by design and I love her clothes, which is totally weird for me as I have no interest in fashion and would wear a red polo and jeans every day of my life! LOL
by Rice
Oh yes....Peggy Carter is perfection in a character...so Totally not real(I nearly wrote UNreal!!!) That hair,that face,even that plummy voice which is NOT annoying!! And then add to these assets, those clothes,and her fabulous WIT!!!
I am truly loving this show and just hope it has been picked up for a third season.....
by Jules
Jules, this show has been axed in the US
by Lluxi
I HAD heard rumours of this being the case, and many folk are VERY unhappy at that news,as the ratings had actually been goods!! Thanks for letting me know,as now I shall not be looking forward to new episodes!!! Too sad......
by Jules
The only reality show that I watch is The Block. I just love getting ideas for my own home by watching them design and style the rooms. My husband and I usually visit the buildings that are being renovated, if we go into the City for any reason. We went to the current Block building at the start of the year, when the address was first released. All The Block cars were parked outside. I'm sure that if we went now, it would be a lot further along, as they started filming ages ago. I hate the singing shows and the cooking shows.
Only a few. Man vs Wild is the first one that comes to mind.
I watch Strictly Come Dancing, The Great British Bake Off, and Dragon's Den.
No, but on occasion we will watch one of Bear Grylls' shows.
by Vee
It's not a matter of,' Do you Still...'It should be asking, "Have you ever watched a reality show?" !
Put perhaps there's another question out there asking that! Having sid that, I'm looking forward to the Cooking up Desserts, after the olympics, during the ads of a SBS doc.
by Miro
No, I didn't get around to watching the dessert show!
by Miro
No, not interested.
What do you mean 'still'?

I've never watched them!

They're mindless drivel, & it concerns me that people stoop to watch such a high level of c@&$!
It doesn't augur well for the level of intelligence being used in such a pursuit.

And to think others' are paid to produce it!
Never have, never will.
by Rice
No, Sorry I find 99% are pure drivel, get a life and just live it.
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