Do you still wake up excited when it is your birthday?

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Do you wake up excited on your birthday, now that you have had many?
Or do birthdays mean less to you nowadays?
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Sad to say I am no longer excited when I wake on birthdays.
I used to be so excited, but perhaps the novelty has worn off after so many.
Sad, but it just is not there!
Well the time is going past faster and faster and I don't really want to get older but....have no choice and figure as Birthdays are going to be here..I may as well get excited and enjoy them, so yes, sorta!
No. I don't anymore. I'm just glad to be alive. There are countless people that I've heard about every year since I was 7 yrs old, dying at my age and younger. So I'm just grateful to see one more day. But I'm not any more excited on my birthday.
No, I don't. But then I've never found birthdays particularly exciting. My family don't really do birthdays, none of us are that bothered about them! My husband's family are the complete opposite and go totally overboard about it all. They are very puzzled every year by my state of non-excitement....
I have never really been a birthday person. Maybe it's because my birthday is around Christmas so it can be forgotten. Christmas babies will understand what I am talking about!
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As one gets older, it is more of a ''wake up call "....for me.
I do look forward, if I feel my family have something we can do.
Nope, just another day, really. Truthfully, birthdays are a bit disappointing these days.
That's really sad, Sandy :(
I must be a rare breed!! I do feel a sense of excitement on my birthday,as I know there will be emails,and phone calls from my family who live in Victoria, as well as emails from my friends overseas to start my day with!!! I always get wishes from my friends and my lovely neighbours as well! And of course,as with EVERY day of my life,I get kisses and greetings galore from my dogs all day through!!!Very exciting!!!
But then,I get excited about lots of life's simple pleasures,and I wake each morning,glad to hear the birds chirping happily away in the glorious sunshine from a very early hour! I get excited when I see my roses in bloom,and when my lavender comes into flower,as it is a southern plant not suited to my tropical environment! In fact,having been seriously ill,and given a new chance with life,I now count my birthdays from Oct 1997 instead of Feb 1958,so I have lots to be excited about as each new Birthday comes around! I shall be sweet 17 this year!! Sounds much more exciting than 56,don't you agree?!!!!
I absolutely get excited for my birthday and my wife's birthday. We spoil each other on our birthdays, it's kind of a tradition. Shawna does all the cooking on my birthday, she tries to choose my favourite foods, I do the same on hers. We take the day off to enjoy it together, the birthday person chooses the activities. We don't go super overboard or anything, we just have fun together. I also love all the phone calls from family, the little facebook messages from friends, even those I haven't heard from in years. It reminds you that you are loved, that you have affected peoples' lives and for one day each year, you get a little reminder of that. It's a little boost for me each and every year.
LOL Finy, I never wake up excited.
Not anymore, I think that ended around about birthday number 21!!!!
Oh Yes ! Thanks to the lovely people in my life who make me feel special and love me for who I am.
Yes I do, even though it's really just my husband & I celebrating, but our youngest daughter in Melbourne does ring & sends me a birthday email, & a birthday card. & I enjoy the birthday cards from friends also. I love going out for breakfast or, lunch (we can't eat both!) & visit to an art gallery. & takeaway for dinner! This year, my 2 sisters didn't even remember it was my big 70! No card from 1 sister, & a card 3 weeks late, from the other 1. (Slow mail?) This year we'd found a cruise that would have taken in my husbands birthday, and mine as well, but then something else was going on, so we couldn't go on the cruise, (It hadn't been paid for yet,) but think we have 1 sorted for next Feb/March, so that's something to look forward too. It's a Melbourne return 1, so we'll be able to stay with our daughter, before & after the cruise, which will be lovely.
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