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Do you still visit the video store?

by Karina Bryer (follow)
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I can't remember the last time I visited a video store. With internet rentals much easier than jumping in the car and heading out to grab a movie, do you think it works out cheaper or more expensive when you rent movies online? Where can you get the best deal? How do you ensure that you don't run out of download speed?

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No, the ones within walking distance of my house have closed down. I used to love walking to the video store. We had one nearby that was next door to an outlet of the Cheesecake Shop (which also sells by the slice), so I would walk there and get dessert and a movie, feeling like I'd walked off some of the dessert. Ah well. Now I have Quickflix (like Netflix) and don't get overdue fines any more.
I have to say we have not rented a movie now for over 12 months.

We did get really good deals, but it was that getting in the car,and 'trying' to find a movie...I was really over it.We both have computer, and we just really use them.
We do try to go to the movies once a week, on cheep Tuesdays.Love the BIG
As for running out of download speed...I have been with my Internet company over 13 years.
I think I am one of a handful of people...that has stayed with them, so I have unlimited.
You need to get unlimited Internet, if you don't want it to slow down.

I never used a video store even when they were around. If I wanted to see a movie then I would buy it or wait for it to come on TV. I didn't even think video stores existed anymore; not since Blockbuster went under.
Yes, we go to the video store about once a month. I like it because it's nice to see the physical DVDs up on the wall and it reminds me of being a kid (we had one at the end of our street growing up and I loved to pop down there on school holidays). I always hate having to return them though, so try not to get new releases so I can return them within a week. In between, most of what we want to see is in the supermarket movie machines. My hubby occasionally downloads one from the net, but I like watching on the big tv so prefer DVDs.
Definitely not. I don't even know if there is a video store in my area. I use those DVD rental machines at supermarkets.
Yes, I do. Most of our rental stores have closed, but there is one small Blockbuster in the area. We don't often choose new releases to rent, but often go for weekly rental options, particularly over the school holidays.
Yes for sure. I love to read the 'blurb' of movies and select them like books. So much to choose from.
Haven't done so since my grand daughter's last annual visit. I soon realised that I can borrow videos from my library for free. Her favourite from last year was A Chorus Line which came from the local library.
Sometimes, yes! Definitely used to go a lot more back in the day when DVDs and VHS tapes were less accessible to buy, but I still head to the video store to check out movies that I'm not sure whether I want to purchase my own copy on bluray or not.
I do about once or twice a month to catch up on ones I miss at the movies. I love browsing and choosing them because there's also some quirky ones which you never see advertised. Blockbuster is a bit far away though so I like getting the 3 day hire ones.
Haven't been to one in a long time, I have to admit. I often watch movies on my computer, or borrow the DVDs from the library and from my friends.
We did until just recently. Our suburb's very last video strore just closed it's doors because it just wasn't profitable for them to stay open after 15 years of service. The owner told us it was because everyone just downloads it off the net now. We don't!!! And I'm sure alot of other families don't either!! My family were really sad (and pissed off!), because it was one of our rare family treats on Tuesday nights ($2 per movie). Now we have to use one of those stupid ones at the shops or go to another suburb. Stuff that! Mand E.
No video stores in our area. The last Video Ezy closed down a few months ago. Can't believe video stores are going out of business. Netflix is the next best option or renting movies online.
Yep - and I like to have a chat with the guy about what to watch...so I'll be sad when that goes....
Visiting the local video store on a Cheap Tuesday was a must do.
Was heaps cheaper too and conveniently located.
All this came to an end when the store shut last year.
Online is the way to go now as the nearest store is too far.
by Zen
Nope! That's so ancient now. The Red box is the new way to rent movies, or to rent them online.
I was in a rental place a couple of years ago, when my mom came to visit. It was likely the last time I will ever be in one.
I haven't been to the video store in a couple of years, and before that it was about three.
by Vee
Not any more.
If a tv series' has many episodes' I wait til it 'goes' to DVD, rent it, & watch all in a couple of days!
It saves multiple VHS tapes of mine being 'held up' by my tardy tape viewing!
We did go to the video store last year when we moved house. Looking for cheap entertainment.

Now we have Netflix. Unlimited movies for only $12 a month! All done online.
We haven't gone over our download limit on the WiFi yet. All is well.
No not for years! I have enough to watch on iview & SBS on Demand, all for free of cause! In fact, SBS on Demand has 250 movies 1 can chase from.We still have 2 video stores at our local shopping suburb which is 3 k's away from our house.
by Miro
Unfortunately no - they're all gone.We used to love visiting the video store for at-home movie night with my sisters and parents, LOVED.IT!

Netflix has taken over!
Haven't been to one in years. Occasionally I borrow a DVD from the library but mostly I watch Stan or similar.
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