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Do you still use a notepad?

by lizzi (follow)
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Note pad
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Do you still use an old fashioned note pad and pen to write down ideas, lists, phone numbers etc? Or do you use a smart phone / ipad?

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All the time.
by Vee
I try to keep a notepad with me all the time. I love to jot down blog ideas before I forget them. I also use paper for my shopping list. I have a smartphone but hate typing on it!
No, I use my phone or google docs these days! Wow, I hadn't even thought about it .... technology has taken over
Not at all, in fact my hand gets cramped when I try and write long-hand. How sad it that! I only use my phone or computer to jot things down now.
Yes, I still use a notepad.
I still take notes for my writing in a notebook but that's about all I use a notebook for.
Yes, I still writ things down however I do not use a notepad often. I have a few from work but I recycle things I print out and use the back of the sheets of paper to write notes on.

I have many of these and I would rather do this than throw out the paper for no reason.
by Finy
I only use notebooks if I'm getting an urgent message and my phone isn't at hand.
Have a small, thick feint-ruled Note Book, into which I jot all that I need to do when out!
Groceries, knick-knacks, Library, Bills 2b paid etc etc etc.
Keep it handy at home so write thought down when idea comes to mind, b4 I forget!
Ah! The joys of getting OLD!
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