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Do you still have vinyl records or cassettes & do you play them?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you kept your vinyl records or cassettes?

Are you still able to play them?

#Vinyl records
#Record player
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I gave mine vinyl records away about 10 years ago as even though I wanted to save them, I had nothing to play them on, and realised it was pointless saving them!

Cassettes all went out around the same time or perhaps even longer ago.
Nothing lasts forever!
by Finy
Bought a new record player and started a new vinyl collection. It's exciting!
All gone...bye...bye long long time ago, well many years.
I have a fair amount of vinyl but I no longer have a player. I had a large (and awesome) player when I lived on the east coast. My mom was saving it for me but finally had to give it away when she moved.
I have a few cassettes that get some air time on the tape deck on my car.

Yes!!! I love them! I was certain to buy a brilliant sound sysstem which incorporated a very good turntable! I have to say that I do enjoy these treasures/ Manhattan Transfer are probably among the very favourites of all of them! I saw this amazing ensemble at a Dinner Show and I went out the next day to but the remaining albums which I needed to complete my collection of their records.Wow! That was way back in the 70's!! Yet they are as fresh to listen to today as they were all that time ago! Being an artist,I adore the record covers which,with their size,are often such incredible works of art in themselves!
Vinyls yes, though I don't have a record player, and cassettes, I got rid of those a long time ago.
by Vee
No got rid of them....think they may be making a come-back...one of the younger replyrees (is this a word!) to this question seems to give credence to this..just like those revolting vinyl tabletops and chairs with legs splayed out and vinyl seats are becoming trendy, whereas cause I have been thru that fashion, they look ugly to me! Another is the old fashioned names for kids eg Audrey, Evelyn...though I quite like some of those...
by Fran
I know I still have a box of cassettes somewhere - but I don't listen to them
by AJ
We gave a great collection of vinyls but unfortunately a lot of them gave suffered from being stored on top of each other. We also have many cassettes but don't have a tape player anymore!
I don't have either. I don't even play CDs.
I culled a box of cassettes a few months ago and was sad to see many were warped and unusable.
by Lucy
yes I still have them all do not play them nowadays, a very big mix of styles.
dating from 1955
Most definitely, as LP's produce the 'purest' sound. Have always got to have Record Turntable so I can play my 331/3 rpm records!

Love my cassettes, which I play in car or on portable audio-cassette player. Must have item when waiting an appointment!
Some people know who hit how many runs in cricket in 1950 etc., some know the history of every horse that ever won a race. My husband was a record collector from his early teens in england. nothing mainstream, always 'different'. Always looking for that 'special' one. I heard and learnt about music I never thought existed, wonderful..
And oh, if you'd had, say, northern soul 45s i perfect condition a few years ago, you could have been paid the deposit for a house, well, nearly.
I still have my large record collection, do not play them now, still have a record player, so could play them if I wanted to.
Yes, I have soooooo many records, and I love the sound of the good ole turn table.

BUT, I really love the sound of my old Juke Box, and my hundreds of 45's.

The 50's & 60's blasted at this quality and available volume is mind blowing!
I still have my grease record, but I don't have a record player, and yes I still have cassettes and a cassette player which is in good nik,but I don't play them.
Have heaps of records stashed in the shed. Might get rid of them one day.
I have a large collection of records, and a small collection of cassettes have not played them in years I have a record player and cassette player
just not interested in them any longer, they would be at least 50/ 60 years old all in good condition you name it I probable would have it
We still have about 50 LP's left No player though!
We gave some to our eldest daughter & her partner, who now have 300-400 of them, & they also have a player. Our youngest daughter took away about 10 when she last visited, (for 15 minutes,) & she also has a turn table. I had started to make a list of them, but haven't got very far with that. the only present I remember by brother ever buying me was a Shirley Bassy 1. (He moved to another state when he was about 22, & only returned each January, with his family.) My mother had a huge collection, with no tuneable. 1 Christmas my father gave her 25 LP's! When she moved to another house, (after my father passed away,) it was broken into 3 times, & during 1 of those times, the thieves took her record player, & my father's whole collection.
by Miro
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