Do you still have a cheque book, and do you ever use it?
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Yes I still have one and am about to use it this week to pay for my new girl.....Bonnie.
I used it last about 6 months ago, so although I rarely use it, I still like to have it.
Yes I still have one and pay some bills with it on occasions, not very often
I haven't had a cheque book for about thirty five years.
I have never owned a cheque book
It is absolutely years since I had or used a cheque book! I love not bothering with the need to write as I now suffer with severe arthritis.
I hav a small cheque account as many writing competitions still only accept entry fees by cheque. If not for that I wouldn't bother.
I have used that recently ! Some people still believe in cheques .
Yes I still have one and pay some bills with it on occasions, not very often by fran
I've never had one. I feel young.
I do have one, but I only ever use it to pay my office bills!
Yes but no idea where it is
yes, I have always had a cheque account and would never close it, still use it, although not as much as years ago.
I dislike all this direct debit every organization wants people to use.
Yes I still have a chequebook, but I don't use it now.
I used to have cheque books that I used regularly in US. When Ioved to Australia I found out how expensive they were to use so I didn't have one. Now I have opened an account with a new bank and they offer cheque books for free so I got one. I find them handy, especially when you want to give someone a gift and don't have cash on. A cheque can save the day!
I have 2 cheque books. I use 1 that is free. The other costs $2 per chq. It is rarely used for ob reasons. Credit card purchases add $2.. Chqs are safer than keeping cash to pay tradesmen. I don't have cash and my internet banking is done on my computer, which isn't switched on all day. I don't use apps.
Yes & yes. Would never NOT have one. Great for 'emergencies".
yes I would not be without one. although I do not use it very much nowadays,
Yes we still have a couple of cheque books. My
husband has to write cheques when we're buying shares.
Yes Ido but very occasionally.
I've always had one. Nowadays my daughter asks me to write cheques for some of the entry fees required for the grandchildren to participate in athletic events (she doesn't have a credit card) so gives me the cash and mails off forms and cheque when required. I rarely use it for myself.
Your lucky you get the money back, Helga. Our eldest daughter asks if we'd like to pay for our granddaughters swimming lessons, & the eldest 1 was having choir lessons, but they have finished now after 6 months. when she didn't want to do them anymore, thank heavens. (For us!) Of cause we oblige! This, by the way, is the daughter who has a falling out with us re her partner, 3 & a 1/4 years ago!
Hi Miro. Yes, I am lucky as she normally brings the money with her when collecting the cheque so I never have to ask for it. The grandkids compete nationally so I'm always there to lend a hand and share her expenses when we travel interstate for competitions.
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