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Do you stay up too late?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Photo: Sira Anamwong, Freedigitalphotos.net

Do you regularly stay up too late? Why do you stay up? Does it effect you the next day?

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Sadly I have the last 6 months...and it has done me no good what so ever!

So...I have to stop it, and get some real sleep, instead of walking around all day like the ''walking dead''!
I usually stay up late to work. For about a year my bedtime has been 8:30 (having a small baby) and lately I've been up until 11 working more regularly. Initially, I would be tired the next day, but I seem to be getting used to the schedule.
People have different opinions of what staying late up is. For me, staying up late mens anything past 11pm, but I think most people consider it after midnight. Either way, I rarely stay up late. I am usually in bed between 10pm-11pm. The only time it is later is if I have gone for a night out, which isn't very often.
I do stay up pretty late. Night time is when all my creative work is done so sometime I go on till early hours of the morning. I know its not ideal but has never bothered me or affect my next day. Only concern tired eyes, which is concealed well by makeup!
No I am usually in bed by 9pm, although I often wake up around 3am and work for a couple of hours.
The majority of the time yes. For me late would be 11:30pm on a weeknight. Sometimes, depending on how much you have on, 8:30pm might still be classed as late.
I'm with you Justine. I've pretty well been a night owl my whole life. Unless I'm really sick, I rarely go to bed before 11pm most nights even if I have to start work early the next day. My body is used to working on 6 hours or less sleep a night. If I go to bed too early (before 9.30), I just toss and turn because I just think of stuff I could be doing instead, like watch TV which I'm addicted to!
by steve
Only when I get caught up in a good book. Which is often.
I prefer to sleep early. I can's stay up too late.
I find that I work best during the night so, more often than not, I go to bed between 10 and 11. And after 8 is the only time baby sleeps more than an hour at an hour at a time so I feel I have to take advantage of that.
by Vee
For anyone answering questions off a mobile device, I strongly advise against it as I draw your attention to my response (above).
by Vee
I have always been a night owl. Worked in bars and clubs, stayed out late and partied hard. Those days are finally over but i do still tend to stay up late. More recently i have wanted to go to bed before my husband but we made a pack years ago not to go to bed separately. Meaning i'm staying up later than I wish most nights. My sleep patterns are terrible i am restless during the night due to night sweats and i'm tired all day. so i have finally started insisting we go to be no later than 11.30. Unfortunately I do not seem to be getting any more sleep or feeling anymore rested.
No I don't , I try to keep regular hours to optimise my body clock. That way on the rare occasion I do stay up late it doesn't knock me as hard. Mind you I will do my best to be in bed by a decent time the following night.
Unfortunately I do, especially if I have a lot of writing to do. I much prefer to go to sleep early, though, so I can get up early. Hopefully I'll be motivated enough to change my bad habit, as going to bed late means I rise late...a vicious cycle!
Yes and I normally regret it the next day.
I never go to bed before midnight, more like after 1.30 a.m. As I have sleep apnea it means less waking up even when using my CPAP machine so the later the better for me. As to affecting me, you learn to live with it.
It depends on what you call late. I am a bit of a night owl, and I get more things done at night. I like to stay up until about midnight during the week and even later on weekends. If I go to bed around 9 -10pm, I can't sleep no matter what, so best to stay up until I feel tired. If I have to get up really early, I might feel tired initially, but once I am up and doing things, I do not feel tired
My usual bedtime is 10 -11 pm. If I stay up later I am tired the next day, often cranky and don't function well. I also suffer from Vertigo and find that getting tired can bring on a bout that might last a couple of days to a few weeks. I prefer not to stay up late.
Things that make me stay up late could be socialising or caring for a family member. The most likely cause lately is that I get involved in something on TV and don't want to to miss the ending. More often than not I fall asleep watching it anyway. I am getting more self-disciplined lately fortunately.
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