Do you sleep right through the night, or wake up sometimes?
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I usually wake up several times a night.
There are various reasons for this -one is I have an old dog and he keeps walking round to my side of the bed and trying to wake me -this sometimes happens twice or even three times a night.
Other times I will get really hot and wake up and this can happen a few times a night also.
Then I may have to go to the loo once
On typing all this I should be really tired in the morning as it sounds like a very broken sleep!
However I am a morning person and generally am not tired!
I am a shocking sleeper during the night! I am lucky if I go 2 or 3 hours without waking up! I am always up at 6 in the morning though and ready for the day ahead!
Unless there is something wrong like if I'm sick or there is a loud noise or something else out of whack, then I will sleep through the night. I probably only wake 4 or 5 times a year.
I go through spells of being a good sleeper to times when I wake up very regularly throughout the night - it depends on whether I am stressing over something
If I'm really tired I sleep right through, but my bladder or various worries can be disturbances most nights.
I am a preety deep sleeper actually. If I wake up at all it's only ever once a night.
(Except when sick- then I wake up coughing all the time!)
I wake up every night unless I am extremely tired.
I used to sleep through the night until I had kids. Somehow we got
into a routine of waking up at 3:30 every morning for
a feed Lena nappy change. The bubs are bigger now and my youngest has finally started sleeping through the night, but I'm still waking up at 3:30. I get up, use the loo and have a drink if water most nights, then go back to sleep. I'm hoping my body reverts to it's old ways of sleeping through now that there isn't a good reason to get up.
I usually sleep right through, unless I'm awakened by the sound of my young kids crying. Then I'll have to get up to see whats bothering them.
Always once during the night.
Make a pit stop, and I am always thirsty too.
Got to have my water.
I always wake a few times. Usually it's because I hear one of my children stirring, or possums on the roof.
Unless my little one wakes me, I usually sleep straight through.
I tend to wake up throughout the nights, especially if I am worried or anxious. for other people I suppose it is more serious problems such as sleep disorders and such.
I sleep through the night unless I need to get up to go to the loo. And that's if the other half doesn't wake me up with his snoring.
I usually sleep right through the night.
Usually for a few solid hours' at least. Having to go to 'loo, is usual reason, like millions' of others, to wake up during the night.
Usually for a few solid hours' at least. Having to go to 'loo, is usual reason, like millions' of others, to wake up during the night.
no, I cant remember the last time I slept through the night. Oh wait, after surgery when I was on pain pills. Usually I get up 3 to 4 times a nite. Either I have to got to the bathroom or take a pain pill,
Sadly I always wake up, several time in the night (even if I take a sleeping tablet).
It would be great to achieve a decent sleep without interruption.
I only wake up once or twice though the night now, as my husband has kindly moved himself into another bedroom, because of his snoring, when I was being woken up 3/4/5/ times. In winter I'll use the bathroom, & then walk down the hallway to the kitchen, to refill my hot water bottle.
I only wake up once or twice though the night now, as my husband has kindly moved himself into another bedroom, because of his snoring, when I was being woken up 3/4/5/ times. In winter I'll use the bathroom, & then walk down the hallway to the kitchen, to refill my hot water bottle.
I am the best sleeper I know - literally sleep like the dead. You could stampede elephants through the house when I'm asleep and I wouldn't know about it! If I woke up during the night once or twice a YEAR I'd be wondering what's going on. My Mum hates me for it! :)
I used to be a terrible sleeper and had insomnia for a few years there. Now, my Circadian rhythm is back to normal and I am sleeping much better. I may wake up once to go to the toilet, but apart from that, its sweet dreams !!!
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