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Do you sleep on your back, side or tummy?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you sleep on your back, side, or tummy?

Or do you move around a lot?

#Sleep position
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I start off watching TV in bed on my back.
I then usually turn to my side and have just been given some ideas on how to sleep on my side to avoid getting neck pains in the morning.
Check this out - it is a brilliant method
by Finy
I am most comfortable on my right side. On my back I tend to get nightmares and my left side makes my ear ache. I must be tangoing in the night just lately as I have pulled my sheets right out at the bottom of the bed . . !
by Rice
I sleep most comfortably on my back but if I snore then I turn on my side.
I sleep on my side . Back sleepers are snorers and may wake up with pain due to unsupported curves of back and neck overnight. If you sleep on your stomach, you could potentially die as you may cut off your airway. If you have sleep apnea, you have a very high likelihood of this happening.
Eeek. Like Joseph (John) Merrick.
by Rice
by Lluxi
Sadly called The Elephant Man.
by Rice
If I am super tired, on my right side spooning my fiancé. If I can't sleep, I lie on my back and that sometimes helps me fall asleep faster.
On my back, but head and shoulders raised...due to not really able to sleep on my side for too long.
I prefer sleeping on my left side, but pregnancy has left me wanting to sleep on my tummy. So, I look forward to that...that and sushi.
by Vee
And I don't move around a lot. Not usually. If I'm napping, I usually wake up in the same position I've fallen asleep.
by Vee
I am definetly a side sleeper, I've tried to sleep on m,y back, but find it uncomfortable.
I cannot lie flat so I sleep in a semi-sitting position on my back.This is due to major nerve and joint damage since childhood,and I find it the perfect position for me to get really good quality sleep! I have a broken shoulder at the moment as well as a very badly injured left shin which must be elevated at all possible times, so at least my usual sleeping position is the best for these injuries!!
Captain Accident strikes again. Here's some kisses for your ouchies . . x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
by Rice
Aaaaw Rice!!! What a sweetie you are!!! At least I did not break my face again like the last time, nearly 4 years ago!!! THAT one landed me in hospital for a week!!!! Mind you, they DID look after me SO very well!! I am thinking seriously about having the 3 internal steps from the kitchen to the TV room, where I just about live ALL the time, changed to a ramp if there is room to do so!! It would definitely have a NON-SLIP surface applied to it!!!!!!
by Jules
Do it! Do it! Do it!
by Rice
I sleep on my side or back. I have a shoulder problem so sleep on my back with one of the neck pillows ,sold for airtravel, around my arm. It keeps my arm at shoulder level.. When I roll over I tuck it under my face so there is less pressure on my shoulder, but have woken with a stiff neck when I haven't got it quite right. I also hug it like a teddy and that keeps my shoulder comfortable when on my back.
I move around. I start on my right side, then turn on the left to hopefully get an hour or two in. Then I'm awake again, on my back for a bit with my pillow under my knees, then back on the left again with knee pillow in place. Then the cat moves up and circles my head, side of bed around and around (sometimes 13 times) until I reluctantly get up and let her out. Then decide whichnside to be on until she knocks on my shutters to be let in again. You may wonder why I dont leave the back door ajar so she can go through the doggie dor; it's because we often have very large lizards and frogs visit from I don't know where, and I don't want them inside the house. Mind you, puss makes no attempt to go for the lizards but we sometimes find headless frogs on the patio.
Aw, helga, I hate to tell you this, but we had a frog who was a regular visitor and I could not fathom how . . . . . . . until it was revealed to me - > dropped from a tree onto the roof, off the roof, down the toilet "stink" pipe and into the bowl . . ! LOL
by Rice
Hi Rice. That is one way for sure. We live near a golf course so wonder somtimes if the frogs dont hop ino the yards opposide, then cross the road to our side of the street as it's a quiet street with little traffic.
by helga
Tummy is my most comfy!
Don't fall asleep if I'm on either side, & especially my back!
I sleep on my left side
by AJ
My side (mainly left) mostly and sometimes my stomach. I cannot sleep on my back - SO uncomfortable! (love the picture of the horse, he looks so relaxed. :) )
I always start off, sleeping on my side, but when I'm asleep, I don't know if I sleep on my back or not! I can't even remember if I wake up, after sleeping on my back!
by Miro
Side or back. Never tummy.
I'm a side sleeper, and I think I always have been one, for some reason I can't sleep on my back.
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