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Do you sleep longer or better now that it is cooler?

by Finy (follow)
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Sleep (90)      Sleep better (1)      Good nights sleep (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you sleep better now that it is cooler?

#Sleep better
#Good nights sleep
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Yes I seem to be sleeping better and not waking up so often at night.

Also it is much darker now in the mornings so I am sleeping longer than I was before.
by Finy
I do always sleep better when it is not so hot through the night and early morning,though this year,I am still waiting for the cool to arrive!!! It IS definitely darker for a half hour longer in the mornings now though,so that's nice!
No I still wake up at the same time....it is just darker
by Fran
I use my electric blanket to get to sleep, as I have nerve damage....so I need the warmth.
It's getting warmer here but I don't think the temperature makes any difference. Light mornings earlier and increasingly loud spring dawn chorus on the other hand............ well, sleep can seem like a myth some mornings!
I do sleep better when the weather gets cooler
by AJ
Yes, it seems to be the case.
by Vee
Yes, lots better!
Sleep better
Both longer and better. Love my bed.
Oh! Tiny, what a beautiful cat! Is it yours'?

Yes, I love having a sleep-in during colder weather. Am nice & 'toastie' under doona!
Cat usually manages to crawl underneath it as well, & I then have a warm 'fur coat' next to my feet!
Yes I am, although still get up at 5.45-6am to go out and retrieve the home delivered newspaper. And the cat in the picture here looks much like mine!
I bleive I sleep easier, and more, while when it's hot I can't get comfortable.
It doesn't make any difference to me. If I am tired, I will sleep well regardless of the weather
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