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Do you sleep in a double, queen or king size bed?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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bed, sleeping, habits, bed size

Do you find your bed is just the right size or would you prefer smaller/larger?

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Top Answers
I sleep in a queen but only ever use one side anyway.
by Finy
my wife & I sleep in a King size bed simply because our tmo big dogs got to be there & sometimes our cats.We never had the pleasure of having the bed just for us but then dispite the discomfort we would't like to be without our pets. And having your pets share your bed is just 'bliss'.
Shane LeRoy
I like the size we have - it is a king size bed....just perfect!
Queen right now, and I'm still looking forward to upgrading to a king ;)
I sleep in a single bed :(

it's too small, I would like a King Single...but they are expensive.
I did have a double, but it was too big for my small bedroom.
I sleep in a queen, I would go a king of my bedroom permitted it! The best night sleep I ever got was in a king size bed on holidays in Ireland in a converted castle! My hubby refuses to go on holiday if it's anything less than a queen.
Queen. When we sleep in a king size, both my husband and I feel like we are too far away from each other. It might seem strange, but I like to stick a foot out and feel him there next to me. Maybe it's because I'm short, but I can't seem to do that in a king size - it's all just empty space!
Most nights I have a queen sized bed all to myself. It's not as empty as I thought it would be.
by Vee
King size. It's wonderful.
I sleep in a Queen bed which suited my husband and I perfectly. He passed away last year and I decided to keep my bed and I sleep on one side for one week then on the other side for the next week. It works well as means I only need to change the sheets every fortnight.
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