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Do you sit at a table to eat dinner every night?

by Sandy Ludinski (follow)
As a freelance writer I enjoy writing about a variety of subjects. You can read more of my articles on my blog: babybloomin.wordpress.com or at http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/124491/
Dinner (31)      Manners (26)      Table (2)     

Dinner table
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I'm ashamed to say that we sit in front of the TV to eat dinner most nights. Just a bad habit we've developed over the last few years. Really should get back to our kitchen table for mealtimes!

Do you sit at a table to eat dinner every night or do you cheat like us?

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Yes. As a child we never ate dinner at the table, it was always on laps in front of the TV. With my children, since they were young, I have established a routine which involves them helping set the table. Most nights with a nice table cloth, a candle and flowers from the garden. I really enjoy eating at the table with my family and value the conversations we have. However I think as the children get older and leave home, hubby and I may start eating in front of the telly!
I mainly sit at my desk at home, if my son is busy.Otherwise we eat together watching something on our new wide screen 42 inch t.v...or is it 47 inch?
No matter, we are happy :) not to be at a table.
Yes, we sit as a family every night for dinner. My children are young and my husband gets home bang on dinner time so it's a great time to catch up with everyone's day. As a total aside to shared eating and conversations, I'm a believer that good table manners come from eating at a table. Family dinners are a favourite time for me.
Not every night, but most nights. Sometimes we enjoy having nice music playing and talking to each other and sometimes we want to watch a dvd. On the whole I try not to have rigid rules about things but go with the flow of how everyone in the family is feeling at that time. We also eat out in the garden or on the balcony whenever we can, as for Brits it's a real treat to have warm enough weather to be able to do that!
Yes, we do. I don't like the kids wandering around with food because it makes more mess and it's nice to talk to each other at dinner.
Not every night. We sit at the dinner table 3-4 nights a week, and three nights a week I eat in front of the television because I am on my own when my husband goes to work.
by Vee
I try to organise my day so that our evening meal is enjoyed together at the dinner table. It doesn't always happen as we're very busy, but we try as much as possible.
While in my last 18 year relationship, my partner frowned upon eating in front of the TV.

So every night we would sit at the table-eventually I thought nothing of it until we separated, and suddenly I made the evening meal and thought to myself -ah, now i can eat in front of TV as I used to -and since then i rarely eat at the table and only if I have visitors, and then only if I have a number.

If i just have casual meal with another couple, we sit in front of TV -i think this is a reaction to being forced to eat at the table every night, and must admit that my parents, who were also European like my ex partner, would NEVER eat anywhere but at the table, so it must be a European thing.
by Finy
Yes, I make a concerted effort the eat around the dinning table to ensure its family setting. Its a good way to train our children.
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