Do you shop mainly on the same day of the week?
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Nope! Gave up 'routine' in every way possible once I left F/T work.
Just go as need be, especially when I've got some $$$$!
But I do enjoy just 'mall mooching' at a Westfield S/C, have a coffee, or lunch, or dinner as the mood takes me.
Read a book, or my ITablet. I find this most relaxing, after multiple years' of time-pinching!
Yep, that sounds perfect to me.
I generally shop on the same day as I work two out of the five week days.
However, it is not "set in concrete" so occasionally if I have something better to do, I will shop on another day.
Mostly I have online delivery shopping anyway.
I shop on a need to basis, so no.
I do it on a Thursday or yes.
It seems to be the best time for me, and when we are running out of food ect.
But! if I didn't want too.....I would just go grab something small, until the next day or two....we are always very busy, and things come up all the time.
I tend to do small shopping trips,often,as I live alone and enjoy my fresh items when they are just that:FRESH!!! My kind neighbour takes me shopping,and he likes to shop the exact same way as I do,so it is ideal for us BOTH!! Particularly with my fruit and veg which I eat so much of!!! When I was working and had a child at home,I would usually shop on the same day or evening each week,as I had my son to help me with it all.
I generally do my big grocery shop on the weekend (either Saturday or Sunday), so I have all the groceries ready for the week ahead. I find that the fruit and vegetables are generally fresher and more plentiful on Saturday mornings!
I'm very much a creature of habit and shop on a Saturday (late morning) as are hundreds of other shoppers. If I run out of something during the weekend and it's an absolute requirement I'll pop out to the shops and get that ingredient but generally it's Barre Class at 0800 on Saturday morning followed by a shower and shop!
Food shopping is more often than not a family sharing time as well. We will often laugh or become totally frustrated with one another. I take my time and read absolutely every label and compare every price whereas my husband just grabs what he thinks is the right product off the shelf and then moves on.
We do one shop a week which is usually on a Saturday
Eeek no! Hate shopping. I try to hold out until every last egg and piece of cheese is used up.
Not always. I go when we need to. Generally when we run out of milk I go shopping and along with it pick up a few other things.
I shop the necessities once a week where possible plus the weekly specials before Wednesday. So I may shop on a weekend after work or in the morning of a week day.
no special day, usually do the shopping in combination with whatever else I am doing do not make a special trip, I do try to avoid the busy days at the shops with their very long queues to get out ,.
No. We never go on a set day. Just when things begin to run low and we have the time to do a shop. That can be stretched out to fortnightly if we don't need anything vital. We might go and get a few things between shops, such as fruit and vegetables and milk.
Thursday or fridays mainly of rme but also not set in stone.. usually fits in with a few other shopping items like shoe repairs or lotto....LOL
No I usually shop daily or at least every other day it means I don't throw out a lot of unused stuff
I tend to shop fortnightly on a Thursday. It has been this way for over thirty years. Never changed.
Generally yes, but when there are better deals later in the week elsewhere we will adjust our shopping timetable.
No, not on the same day each week. During the last 3 weeks, after or return from holidays, we shopped on a Friday. the flowing week it was a Wednesday, this week, Thursday, as were already out doing something else. Next week we’re going away to visit the little grand-daughters for 8 days, so we’ll shop the day or night we arrive home,
Another reason to shop any day is when we run out of cheap mince to feed the birds!
I usually grocery shop when I am out, do not make a special day for it. it can be any day of the week
As I work full time we do our main big shop on the weekend usually on a Sunday and stock up for the coming week but pick up fresh goods during the week if running low.
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