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Do you set important reminders on your mobile phones?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
Memory (19)      Reminders (4)      Important (1)     
By cuteimage, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

Do you make notes on a piece of paper if want to remember some important things or do you prefer setting up reminders in your mobile phones?

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Yes, I d on my mobile and also on paper if very important!
It keeps me sane.
I do use it for birthday reminders.
I do. Except when the reminder goes off I click 'end' and then forget all about it.
I set reminders on my phone for birthdays appointments etc.
No I don;t because I dont know how!
by Finy
No, I set them up on my laptop.
Never used this feature on my phone.
Usually I write notes to remind me of things. If I have an appointment, I put it in my phone with an alarm to remind me in advance of the appointment.

I tend to remember important things by taking notes on paper . Somehow I can't bring myself to use technology on that one.
Only sometimes. I prefer to use the old school notebook and diary, and the Outlook calendar in the office.
I have a calendar on my bedroom door, a calendar on my mobile phone (which I don't use much because the alarm never sounds!) and I place post-it-notes everywhere. I find that I like the post-it-notes best because they're colourful, eye-catching and can be placed wherever you need them.
by Vee
Yes I set reminders specially for birthdays on my mobile phone.
I use the reminder for everything.... if the data and date I need is not in the mobile than It doesnt exist. Hell I even use the clock alarm when Im cookiing... if the recipe says 15 minutes, I put it on and set the timer to remind me.
I put on the memo program all my grocery shopping items I need to buy.... and delete them from the mobile in the shop as I load that item into the cart. I save Birthdays, Doctor appointments, Social engagements, reoccurring requirements for my dog's well-being (like worming, flea medicine) and bills are due.
Like I said.... if its not listed in my phone than it doesnt exist.
Oh yeah.I cannot afford to make that important call or forget to pick up my husband from the train station :)
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