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Do you set goals for yourself?

by lizzi (follow)
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Goals (7)      New year's resolution (1)      achievements (1)     

Have you been kicking goals? Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Do you set goals for yourself? Do you do this regularly? Are your goals SMART? Do you reward yourself if you achieve a goal?

#New year's resolution
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I sat down at the beginning of the year and wrote up some BIG goals. It looks like they were slightly too big, and as my life has changed over the past year I have needed to adjust my goals. I am finding it easier to write goals for the week / month or even just for the day! I like to set myself little challenges which will contribute to the achievement of my over arching BIG goals. I've set several writing goals for the next month and also a few business goals.
Not explicitly. But little goals throughout the day help me gain a sense of satisfaction at the day's end. I'm just now trying to set bigger goals for myself.
by Vee
I regularly set goals for myself. A friend and I sat down at New Year and talked over our personal goals which we had written down. We have reviewed them a couple of times through the year and discussed our progress. I try to make my goals SMART but sometimes they are general rather than specific. Sometimes I change the amount of time I give myself. Sometimes I need to modify my goals.
I set goals throughout the year. I have set some goals in relation to the amount and type of writing I want to do in a particular month. I have learnt to avoid setting too many goals. I have also learnt to break some things down into smaller goals.
Sometimes I reward myself.
Hmmm. I don't no. Maybe I will for tomorrow though, there's quite a bit of stuff I need to get done and I'll forget it if I don't write it down.

I last one that was set now about 27 days ago, and has NOT been broken, was to eat only food that has ''no numbers''.
So like Veg and Meat and good food.
Yes to loose weight,and it is coming off very nicely!
I set this goal because I could not walk too well on my left leg.
(due more than likely to being 60 and over weight too).
I will Not give up, because the fear of not being able to walk scared me
really badly.
First 3 weeks was very hard, now it's a walk in the park!

This is one Goal I will achieve, because of the fear I experienced.
Yes. I have had years where I have and years where I haven't, and I've
decided that I'm happier when I'm working towards achieving something. So now I take stock every now and then and decide what it is I want to achieve, break it down into doable chunks and then actually do them. It's the doing that counts!

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