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Do you see films at the cinema?

by Justine Crowley (follow)
Independent Business Consultant, Doctor, HubGarden Editor and Author/Publisher of four self help books: www.smashwords.com/profile/view/JustineCrowley
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do you go to the cinemas, can you go to the cinemas alone
Image courtesy of worrudmu / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

When you watch a film, would you usually watch it at the cinemas first? On the other hand, do you prefer to wait until it comes out on DVD instead? Many people are happy to wait even longer, and watch that same film on TV. If you find yourself a movie buff, do you have any seating preferences if you do go to the cinemas? There is more choice nowadays in seating comfort. Otherwise, some would prefer to watch films in the comfort and privacy of their own home. What suits you?

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Some movies need to be seen at the cinema, especially those with great special effects. We go to the movies regularly and enjoy all kinds of films - kids 3D movies, dramas, action movies and sometimes with the girls to see a chick flick.
Sci fi is usually best on the big screen. I hate 3D though, it is problematic if you wear glasses.
I like going to the movies however it is getting a little pricey so it does not happen often. However, movies at home can be a little more relaxing as you can put your feet up and get up anytime you wish!
Whoa, that's about six questions!

I like to go the cinema but I have young kids at home so I don't get to that often at the moment. It's also expensive, so it will probably remain a rare treat. I'd like to get back to going to the Brisbane International Film Festival each year when I can.

Since I tend to miss things when they're out at the cinema I do watch a few things on dvd, usually quite a while after they come out.This does have the added benefit that I don't need a babysitter. I can just put the kids to bed and if the little one wakes I bring him out to the couch and give him a cuddle while watching. Breastfeeding while watching the climactic fight at the end of Terminator: Salvation was a slightly odd experience.
Only on cheap days!

Plus my Dad has a 3D projector and home cinema room. Makes it easy to save $20 per ticket at the cinema...
Yes I do, yet only if it is for a movie I want to see. Otherwise DVD or NetFlix it is. Agree, watching the movies at home is so great - yes putting those feet up is awesome.
Yes, I love going to the cinema. But only for the movies I really want to see, and those that need to be seen on the big screen. Going Gold Class can also be fun, for a complete cinema experience.
Well, the thing is, I like movies, but rarely do we find a film that we want to watch together. And I don't want to pay good money to companion view. I would like the whole cinema experience for great movies with fantastic scenery and good sound track, but I reckon a lot of movies are just fine on the telly (okay it is plasma and it is 42" - I won it in a raffle). Usually, when we do find a movie we both like and would be fantastic on the big screen it is no longer on at the cinema. Obviously the perfect solution for me would be to have a home cinema...haha, like that is ever going to happen! So movies at home is our most common way of watching movies.
Well, the thing is, I like movies, but rarely do we find a film that we want to watch together. And I don't want to pay good money to companion view. I would like the whole cinema experience for great movies with fantastic scenery and good sound track, but I reckon a lot of movies are just fine on the telly (okay it is plasma and it is 42" - I won it in a raffle). Usually, when we do find a movie we both like and would be fantastic on the big screen it is no longer on at the cinema. Obviously the perfect solution for me would be to have a home cinema...haha, like that is ever going to happen! So movies at home is our most common way of watching movies.
Oh, and one more thing - sometimes the cinema is a good option on a really really hot day (if you can get in), otherwise it is the skating rink at Macquarie Centre.
We love to go to the movies.

It is something my family has done for years now.
The one we go to, has a Huge Big Screen, and it is a lot of fun.
We just saw a great movie yesterday.

We only go on the day that the tickets are reduced, and we have joined the club that go's with our cinema.
So after say five times going(even on the cheep days) we earn a free ticket!
We seem to go on Tuesdays.About lunch time or later afternoon, and there is always a good amount of seating.We always get the same seats or there about.The seats are very nice, gone are the days when they were Not made for comfort.
We like the Cinemas because of the big screen, there's nothing like it.

We never buy their drinks or sweet's, as the price is way too expensive.
Instead we take our own drinks ect.
Unless it's a movie I really want to see, I wait until I can watch it on DVD. I much prefer to hit the pause button if I want to make a cup of tea than have to sit through the whole movie or miss some of it to take a break.
I like going to the late night screenings. If you pick a film thats been out a few weeks you often get the whole cinema to yourself, no one talking on thier phone or being annoying. But we do not go very often as i find them too cold the A/C is pumped up too high. I have been known to take blanket with me to a film I really want to see. We grade our films from will pay good money (Full price) Go on a tuesday (half price) To DVD or a cheap even arse Tuesday DVD only $1 to wait until it's on the TV or I would not watch it if you paid me! Once a year we will got to the outside cinema at South bank in Brisbane, get gold class so we got a bean bag and designated area and I will make up a nice picnic
I like going to the cinema, although tend to look out for cheaper sessions, such as tight arse tuesdays, village $10 movie of the week, $6 kid flicks and mums n bubs sessions - much cheaper than full price tickets which really add up.
Perfer Cinema when can afford it, but even cheap Tuesday is expensive when on Pension. Like to sit at end of aisle, in the very BACK row, with no-one sitting behind me.
I LOATHE the sound of loud chewing with mouths open, the lights of mobile phones & the noise of texting during films. Ignorant Idiots yacking, drinking booze and generally annoying every other paying patron!
I like the Cinema on quiet days, with 8-10 people at the session - when I can afford it.
The cinema is preferable for the big screen experience, but I only go if I have won tickets or been given a two for one opportunity. Call me tight, but I have other priorities.
I love going to the movies - we by books of tickets so I only pay $10. I go by myself as a break, and it's like meditation - I come out feeling centred and calm (even if I've been watching people blow stuff up)....My favourite, favourite thing...
Some movies you HAVE to see on the big screen with the surround sound. Most movies I can wait till they come out on DVD, but there aren't any video shops around anymore! Our last local video shop just closed down due to people downloading movies off the internet, so it wasn't financially viable any more! BOO HOO! There go our cheap $2 Tuesday nights when there's crap on TV! We don't download movies ourselves so we're going to have to go to those DVD kiosks if we want to rent one out now. BOO! Mandy E.
I like to go cinemas with my kid and love one
I love the movies I go every week. It's not the same sitting at home
Love going to cinema for the experience: big screen, surround sound, popcorn, 3D effects (if watching a 3D movie). I wish I could do it more often. I have younger kids so can't always go. One thing is for sure, I only watch selected movies at the theater. The rest can wait till they come out on DVD.
Yes I watch movies in theaters.I love to watch movies in big screens because even boring movies become interesting sometimes.
Used to go around 5 years back but dont get the time nowadays.
Used to go around 5 years back but dont get the time nowadays.
Yes if the movie calls for it. Especially sci-fi and 3D films
Love going to movie theatres
Even though we have a home theatre system I still like to go to the movies for the overall experience, and I really like popcorn :)
yes i love going to the cinemas. its my 'me' time where i can forget the world and relax into someone elses. I usually sit in the middle somewhere, but close to the isle so if it happens to last longer then my bladder I can shuffle off without stepping over peoples feet. If i am around any noisey chatters or eaters, I make a discreet move when the movie gets going. :)
I love going to the movies. It beats having to watch it crappy quality on your laptop or waiting until it comes out on dvd but it's getting really pricey. Last movie I watched at the cinema was The Fault In Our Stars for the second time that movie is amazing!
I like to watch some movies at the cinema as a treat. Mobiles are switched off and no one will knock at the door and interrupt the experience. You get more engrossed because it is on the big screen. I usually go on a Tuesday when it is cheaper and I don't buy drinks and snacks. Most movies I watch on DVD at home. I often borrow from the library.

Still enjoy going to the movies' at the cinema. Done that all my life. Not going to change now.
If a film has been really enjoyable I may buy it once it goes to DVD.
Don't go to tge movies. Too expensive and as I fall asleep so often, is a complete waste of money for me. It doesn't matter falling asleep at home watching a DVD as I can rewind or just stop the DVD and go to bed and watch another time.
Oh yes ! Its completely an exciting experience.
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