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Do you scream when you go on a roller coaster or similar?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you scream when you go on a roller coaster or similar?

Or do you not even go on one?

#Roller coaster
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No I don't as I feel too sick and petrified and just close my eyes.

Last time I went on one, which was many years ago in Disneyland, I vowed never again. What is the point when I felt sick and shut my eyes.

Have not been on one since and that was about 25 years ago!
by Finy
I would have a heart attack now I am sujre!

Yes my lungs used to get a really good workout ie I screamed like hell..
by fran
Yes. The opportunity to scream as loudly as I want to without consequences is part of the fun for me.
When I ever went on....I never screamed.

I would close my eyes, and just hope it ends soon... :)
It is always a friend or family member who insist I go on it with them....yaaaaaa.
I love going on roller coaster - they terrify me but I love going on them. I'm sure I probably do scream
by AJ
I have only been on a ride like this once and I didn't have time to scream before I fainted.... :( Never again!
Yes I scream, I can't even help it. I am not much a fan of them, but my husband is so I will go on them with him if there is no one else. I prefer to stay away from amusement parks.
I am calm on the outside and cringing on the inside. What can I say I am a scardy cat.
It's been a VERY long time since I went on a ride like this,but from memory I think I did scream and not from the fear,but simply because it is an ideal opportunity to scream as loudly as you wish without feeling like an idiot!!! It is like going under the railway bridge and screaming at the top of your lungs when the train goes overhead!!!! Great stuff!!! and very therapeutical!
Yep. It's half the fun.
Screaming just isn't an issue because you wouldn't get me on a roller coaster in the first place. I'm a little prone to travel sickness and that doesn't bode well for this type of transport.
No, because I don't go on roller-coasters! Am a wimp in this regard!
I just clam up. I don't feel the need to do it again. Ever.
by Rice
have never been on a roller coaster, or similar and never intend to, so the answer is, no I do not scream
Yes, I did go on the (The Wild?) Mouse at Luna Park Sydney Au, as a teenager with a friends brother. I have NOT been on 1 since then as I'm too much of a scaredy cat of heights. I didn't even go on any Disneyland rides, while we were over there, in '80 with our daughters. Such a wimp am I!
by Miro
No, it was in '89, NOT 1980.
by Miro
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