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Do you save the buttons from old clothes?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Buttons by jmiltenburg via morgueFile
Buttons (Image by jmiltenburg via morgueFile)

Do you cut the buttons off old clothes and save them for later, for repairs, to replace missing buttons or for new clothes you have made?

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My grandmother and my mother always saved the buttons from old clothes to be used again. Nan did many frugal things like this. She had a bag hanging in the pantry with string she had saved. (Of course back then parcels were tied with string not stuck with sticky tape.) To this day I still save buttons. It's come in handy time and again to replace missing shirt buttons. I once lost a fairly decorative button from a blazer I'd had for years. It couldn't be matched but luckily I had saved a set from an old one before sending it to the rag bag.
I never have, but that's a very good idea.
Heavens no LOL As much as I'd love to say I do, I most definitely don't. I can't sew (other than sewing buttons on and basic repairs) so I don't same them.
Always save buttons from old clothes
I am a button collector however I do not collect buttons like the one in the picture.

I collect really old ones, and have ones that cost US$100 each from many years ago!

I have the most beautiful collection, however it would be sacriledge to actually use them as I put them all onto boards and frame them.

The buttons made nowadays are just awful compared ot these old ones.
by Finy
Yes, being in my 70s and have been a sewer I have bottles of buttons but when I go to get 4 I can only find 3 and so on.
Used to. But last bottle full gave to nice lady at local mending store. She could probably get use out of them!
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