Do you save any money from week to week?
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Are you actually able to save money from week to week or each month?
#Save money
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I actually am excellent with money. I am on disability and have less income than most, but I also have beautiful things and a nice house on the lake (rental.) I only buy what I need (food, medicine, doc visits, toiletries.) Everything else I end up getting for free by buying low and reselling and upgrading using the profits I make. My house is filled with oriental rugs, Swarovski Crystal, Lalique, real silver flatware, Bavarian China, a grand piano, antiques, etc... that I basically got for free using the above mentioned method. I only buy consumables (like clothes and household goods) at Goodwill. I usually am able to save about $250 per month so I am never in a bind. I drive a 1991 vehicle that runs great that I picked up for $3,000 four years ago and spend about $500 per year on upkeep. I could sell it tomorrow for what I paid for it. I also dabble in the stock market. A few years ago I turned $6,000 into $18,000 in a bad market and lived off it and selling on ebay for three years paying $425 per month rent waiting for my disability to come through. I am not an impulse buyer. I can't remember the last time I even bought a soda or a pack of gum. I only buy old school things at resale shops that are built to last at rummage sales etc. I am very disciplined in this area and I am actually putting my son through college. I also firmly believe in the quote by Ben Franklin, "A penny saved is a penny earned." That goes a long way. If I need a new piece of furniture, I wait (sometimes months) to find it at a resale shop. Like my coffee table broke when my 30 lb. cat jumped on it and I went without a coffee table for two months until I found a beautiful solid oak, beveled glass one at Goodwill for $9. I could easily turn around and sell it on Craig's List for $75 - $100. I attract money and respect it. I also have a bachelor's degree in finance which helps. I roll my own cigarettes for $1 a pack. I only drink water and coffee (too cheap to buy soda.) I cook from scratch because pre made food is twice as much and bad for you. I also research my meds so that I can get what I need and not pay top dollar if there is a less expensive equivalent. I also use home remedies for 95 percent of the ailments people go to the doctor for. Hurray me! LOL
Maybe a should write a short article on how to live like a Queen on a bare bones budget. I am realllllly great at this. Suck at other things, but this is my forte. Thanks for the votes!!!!!!!
Polly - I think what you have achieved on a low budget is to be much admired. You prove that to be able to live a good life with nice things round you is not the sole preserve of the wealthy. Good luck!
I probably DO save a little bit now that I do not travel any more.
However I spend so easily and seem to buy what I want, so I guess I am living beyond my means in a lot of ways as I figure I am in the last 10 years of my life (or thereabouts) so I might as well do, say, and buy what I want!
While I was well enough to travel all the time, I did not save much apart from money to travel all the time.
My way to save money is to stay home. If I go out, I spend. I try to be good and save but there's the online temptation too. I really try to buy only really good bargains online and free postage. I never had a head for figures and somebody else was always in charge of the finances.
You need to come to Perth Rice, and we can hit the town - or did I mean SHOPS! I am the same - dont go out a lot but things keep poppping up online with my name on them and so I spend, spend and spend!
Yes, I do SO want to get to Perth one day. It's all very well going OS but I would like to see more of Oz too. I will come shopping with you and give your dogs big hugs.
but if you do not SAVE, then you will not make it - haha
We don't save much at all. All of my husbands wages go towards paying the bills. The little money that I have is going
towards our European holiday and river cruise in 2017. Wouldn't it be nice to be independently wealthy and not have to worry about money !!!
I do not save as much as I would like. I try to save in an account for which I have no debit card so its hard to get it out.
Do you mean where people have money left over after paying all their bills etc, each week?
If so, then that has not been more than $20-$30 in my bank account till next time I get paid (which is more than likely 4-5 days away).
So that keeps things going for that time : )
This 'saving' thing seems to be for people who are paid a good wage.
a fine inspired me to. when I was a young(er)idiot I was drunk and disorderly. I was fined, and $20 a week was taken until I paid the fine. not noticing the funds were gone, I opened a savings account and have something in case of emergencies
When I was young I woud be a great saver,My pocket money i the 60's and 70's started at sixpence and ended at one whole dollar!!! But I still managed to save some of this!!!! As an adult,I found that mortgage,schooling,groceries and general bills seemed to eat just about all of my money as I was not on huge money with my work.I loved my work so much though,that I was more than happy!! Now I am on a disability pension,and though I do not 'save' per se, I always seem to have enough to get whatever I require.I am not one to go out much at all,and I am avery good shopper for all manner of things,thanks to how my parents taught me the power of budgetting!! Those lessons learned when very young,still work for me today all these many years later!
I have become better and better with money. I have always been able to save though and never lived beyond my means. I am very proud that I am debt free and have never needed a loan of any kind.
Yes - my outgoings never exceed my incomings. During my marriage I was always the financial person looking after our accounts so I am a pretty good manager of money. My late husband dealt with all the practical issues of our life and I dealt with financial matters. This division of labour worked very well for us. When we retired it meant our financial future was very secure.
No we don't have too. We both retired year ago, & just take it out of the bank as need it, & the firm we invest with, put money into our bank accounts for us once a month, but we don't use all of it, so we always have money in the bank for when we need it, e.g cruises, buying petrol for the car once a month, paying the bills, & buying books & toys for our young grand-children!
Year ago... should have read...years & years ago.
No, I can't say I do save every week, I'm terrible in that way, I'm always looking for specials and garage sales to go to.
No, not really, if I need something, it depends on how much it is, I will buy, it, if it's something big, then I will consult my husband First.
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