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Do you rush out to watch the sequel?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
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cinema, australia
Photo: Fernando de Sousa from Melbourne, Australia

I was less than impressed with the first Hunger Games movie, yet still rushed out to watch Catching Fire. I go and see every Die Hard movie, even if the trailer is less than impressive. I'm a sucker for a sequel.

Do you buy into the hype of a franchise, even if the initial movie wasn't enticing? Or can you walk away from a story, incomplete?

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Only if I enjoyed the original. Otherwise I wait until the sequel is out on DVD.
I only bother to go and see a sequel if I enjoyed the first movie, and even then, I don't 'rush'; I go when it is convenient. Saying that, I went to see the Star Trek sequel, knowing I hated the first movie, but that is only because my dad wanted to see it.
I do like to see the second instalment, but say the movie was a total flop....forget it!...I loose confidence, if they 'try' with a second.

I sure can walk away from a incomplete story!

No problem there.
With small kids at home, I find it hard to get out to a movie with my partner, so it would have to be a really good first movie for me to make the effort of getting a babysitter to go see a sequel. Usually, I am content to wait until movies come out on DVD.
Great question! It depends on the franchise but, once that first film hooks you, it can be tough to say no to the sequel.
How can you not rush out to watch Jennifer Lawrence! I admit I was so hyped for Catching Fire also.

However, I still haven't seen all the Harry Potter films! I think after a point it becomes too much...
I dropped out of Harry Potter because one of them was so boring that the whole family except me fell asleep in it. I thought I might have to gouge my eyes out to alleviate the boredom....but I made it to the end, and haven't seen the rest. (was the one where they played chess for forever...) I'd forgotten that, so I have ditched a series in the middle...but that's about the only one.
Goodness me! Let's hope the standard of long series improves so that you never have to sleep during a film again!
by Amelia
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