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Do you return books to the library on time?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Do you return your borrowed items such as books, DVDs, CDs, magazines, etc. from the library on time, or do you regularly incur late fee charges?

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I try to but sometimes forget....especially if they're ones that I'm really wanting to read but haven't managed to. I keep meaning to read them, and put them aside.
Yes! I've learned my lesson. I once forgot to return my library books on time at uni and was slugged with a $70 fine.
by Vee
I very rarely borrow books from the library. Libraries don't usually have the types of books I read, so I end up having to buy them. And I mostly read from Kindle.
I try to, but I borrow an awful lot of library books and sometimes I forget or can't get out to the library in time if I'm sick or something (it's a bit of a journey with two little ones in tow).
I try to. Sometimes I am late, but I make my best effort to return them on time.

I actually thought it strange that people still use libraries, yet I had a conversation with my wife just tonight about how I am going to need to get a library card. Strange how things turn around on you sometimes.
I hope that libraries will stay around for a long long time. They are such an important part of the community. I don't use the library just for borrowing books DVDs, etc. but also for printing, taking short courses, children's activities, and to know what's going on in the community. Most of the librarians at our pical library know my children and me by name.
I certainly understand the need for libraries, I just didn't use them and I was sure - even though I put no research into this claim - that the use of libraries was on a steady decline. But I have taken writing courses sponsored by our local library, and I have a friend in Calgary who is a librarian. I recently found out thanks to her that Calgary has just implemented a new online borrowing tool. It's an app that people can download onto their mobile device and use to borrow ebooks, audiobooks, music or videos for short periods. I thought this was super impressive, and very, very useful. I'm now finding myself hoping that libraries continue this trend of evolving so that they will definitely be around for years to come!
I am never late returning my library books.
Always because I hate paying fines.
unfortunately I don't use the library anymore. Since my introduction to the internet I have not looked back. I have not even gone to the library for information sake in years.
Used to, but nowadays, very slack!
I only use university libraries and I always return the texts on time. If I know I can't, I will ask for an extension of a few days or a week. A good proportion of books are available as e-books as well, if you can't get to the library.
Yes, I think it is selfish not to.
by Finy
YES on time! But having 'said' that, we very rarely use the library now, since it moved to another street, from next door to our local council chambers.
by Miro
Yes, I do.
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