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Do you remember vinyl records?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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records, vinyls, CDs, music

Do you remember vinyl records? Do you own any or play them? Whose records do you have?

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Oh, yes I sure do -I have only just got rid of mine, and sold them in the op shop I worked in until recently.
There are still a lot of collectors around who buy these.
by Finy
Oh yeah - and boy were those the good old days! ;) Don't have any more now! :(
Yes! I have fond memories of my mum playing them when we were little. I own some myself as well.
by Vee
Yes I remember them, like it was yesterday!

Well maybe not yesterday.
Had my last one way back in 1975.
Indeed the only way to listen to music. I still have some of my collection. The album cover artwork and gate fold sleeves are fantastic to look at. It made record buying even more exciting. And who can forget the phase of coloured and transparent vinyl in the 90s?!
Yes. The best way to listen to music. Remember Sunday morning when I was small mum playing Frankie S and dad playing jazz.
My father had a large trunk of these. he sold them to a collector.
by Gia
Still have all my LP's. And an excellent stereo system on which to still listen to them. Better sound than CD's!
Yes! We have heaps of them at home, as do our daughters! Our eldest daughter & have partner have about 300 of them. I can find them in every op shop I go too!
by Miro
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