Do you remember having to put a film in a camera, and getting it developed?

Do you remember putting a film in a camera?
And having to take it somewhere to get it developed?
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Yes I sure do remember this.
And you had to fill the film of 36 before getting it developed or you wasted!
You could get several size films but the 36 shots was the cheapest.
Then you had to trudge to the shop twice to take them in, and then pick them up.
I remember the excitement each time I picked them up to quickly look at them before I drove home!
I still have many albums from those days -sad as dont know what will happen to them when I am no longer here.
Yes. We had multiple cameras and our own darkroom. I liked nature photos and my father and brother liked car, aeroplane and motorbike photos. They did weddings and portrait photos if asked. Remember how we always had to find something to get that last shot off the camera . . ? LOL.
Yes, Rice that was funny!
Yes. I was quite the amateur photographer in my childhood. I loved to take photos, especially when we went on holidays. I had a point and shoot one that I got when I was 10 years old. I even had a self developing camera at one stage. The cost of getting the films developed really curbed my interest in photography, which is a shame. Nowadays it is SO cheap, and on one of our cruises, I took over 200 photos. I have a digital camera now.
Sure. I've also developed my own photos in a dark room. It was quite satisfying to do, but that time has passed it seems.
Sad, isn't it? We used to get such a sense of achievement. It was so good to take the photo and follow it right through to the printing.
I think unless you were born after the millennium, anyone will remember doing this.
Yes. It seems like eons ago now.
My Parents' were Professional Photographers', so I did this many times!
Got a 'Box Brownie' when I was 8!
I loved taking photos', still do, & was well taught.
Have the 'knack' to take really good shots, of course!
Had two good cameras', a Pentax, & a Canon, which I took on holidays, & used 'Slide Film'.
Before I bought this here ITablet, I used the 'Disposable Camera' type, & those photos' are excellent.
Used many on my flight day trip to Antartica, & the colours' were exactly as I'd seen them!
My Mother loved this little Camera, and yes I would roll the film on, and waste a make sure it was really on.
She also said only people with money bought colour
We would for weddings, and it was 7 days we would have to wait, then go back to the Chemist to pick them up.
I would wait and wait and when the day would come, was so excited....then it was 5 days to wait even better.
Then 3 days, and it was like wow! life just became very exciting.
We would then think how special we were to have 3 days to wait.
Mother even bought colour film, as it got cheaper or we got more money?
I bet you brought it with you . . .I had the same camera when I was seven. Oh, how I loved it. Thanks for the lovely memory, jonaj :-))))
Your welcome..yes we did bring it with us, and it took great pics :) Oh! the memories, Golden.
We too had a box brownie. It wasn't used that often as we didn't have the money to splurge on film then developing costs. Various Kodak cameras and then my pride and joy was a "spy" camera which was so small and was a Minolta which took 8mm film from memory. Then the self-developing Polaroid camera which was a must havefor trendies. I still have some spools of unused film in my room. Maybe one day I will throw them out.
We too had a box brownie. It wasn't used that often as we didn't have the money to splurge on film then developing costs. Various Kodak cameras and then my pride and joy was a "spy" camera which was so small and was a Minolta which took 8mm film from memory. Then the self-developing Polaroid camera which was a must havefor trendies. I still have some spools of unused film in my room. Maybe one day I will throw them out.
I got my Box Brownie when I started boarding school. I didn't take many (b/w) photos during those 4 years, as they all fitted into I small oblong album (which I still take along to the school reunions.) 5 years after school I went o/s for 5 months with my parents. I was still taking b/w photos. Once while we were living in Paris, I couldn't wait to take the rolls of film home for development, so we took them to Woolworths & had them developed there. But the packs of photos weren't there when we went to collect them! We found out the guy from the photo shop had taken them home to develop! We had to & collect them from his place! The photos were all different sizes, but at least ! got them back! Then colour film came in. I would take so many rolls to the chemist, I got 1 lot developed for free, when I'd spent 'X' amount of money in the chemist, which included film processing I loved that bit. I have all my big albums also, with No's on stickers, on the spines. At our wedding reception, my father & brother decided to take the colour photos them selves. & my brother developed them him self. Needless to say, he mixed the wrong chemicals together, & I only have 1 blurred photo of the reception! (Thanks very my brother!!!)
Like all or most of you ,I certainly DO remember those days!!! When I was as Art School,before getting a Sign writing apprenticeship(using real brushes,NOT cheating with computers!!!),I even did my own developing of my photos!!! I have always loved photography and I have thousands of photos from pre-digital days!! We always had good cameras, as I was taught that if I wished to do well with something,I had to have the best start which meant decent equipment!! I still have my old cameras which gave me such immense joy! I remember when the One Hour developing service was introduced,and for a much higher cost we could see the results of our clicking,so quickly!! It seemed like magic after all the years of waiting for a week to get photos back! I also recall at school being told that often we may have to use a whole roll of film to get a truly decent shot,while still learning the ropes!Fortunately I did get a lot of worthwhile shots with each roll of film,but it seemed a very long wait to find out whether or not ANY decent photos had been managed!!!! I did both Black and White,as well as Colour photography,and the B & W was definitely my favourite! I now have the most spectacular Digital SLR camera and I rarely am without it! These are so easy to use that it seems like cheating to me!!! Oh!!! another thing I also recall is the fantastic 'Slide Nights' which we could have after wonderful holidays! It was glorious to see our photos in such a huge image in the screen. Aaaah! how times have changed!!
I've never actually loaded film into a camera.
Yes, also the odd occasion when the film slipped off the spool and NO PHOTOS.
It was a terrible feeling missing out on what may have been great memories.
Love Digital and the big savings.
. . or it sped ahead and we got the dreaded double exposure . . ah, those were the days :-))
I remember the days of using film in a camera. It was mostly black and white photos when I was young,. Then there was the time when taking slides was the thing and an evening of looking at the slides of other people's holidays was entertainment. I love the ease of digital photography and the ability to crop and do all sorts of things to your shots.
They were fun times as you took so many pictures that you forgot some of them until they were developed. It's better today though as you can delete the one's that look awful. It cheaper too.
I remember those days buying film 12,24 and 36 and than taking the film to the chemist for them to send out to be developed. Now i just dont know what to do as i am planning on movin i have so many photo albums.
Jndaw, I guess you have moved now, so what did you end up doing with all your photos albums? I also have heaps & heaps of photo albums, but we're not planning to move, any time soon!
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