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Do you regularly have to take any prescription drugs?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you have to take any prescription pills on a daily or weekly basis?

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Thankfully, no I don't
by AJ
Good for you! I hope you never have to :-)
by Rice
Unfortunately yes, I do -several!
People who are elderly (like me!) are SO lucky if they do not have to take more than one type of pill per day.

I am not so fortunate, but pleased that I live in an era where high blood pressure, cholesterol levels etc CAN be managed with drugs, so have no qualms about taking necessary pills to improve my life or indeed, lengthen it.
by Finy
1 tablet for one thing, in the morning.

One tablet for another thing at bedtime.
All part of life.
I think if I didn't I would be a very ill person by now, or dead?
Luckily no. I take reactine daily, sometimes double dosing (after getting the okay from my doctor), but that's it.
Yes :(( For diabetes. It'a small dose though :-)
by Rice
Yes,I need several painkilling meds for a rare and debilitating `condition suffered since childhood!
But they don't bother me at all,because without them,I would be so much worse!!
Yes I take over 17 prescription medications a day, and I hate them. It seems that is what doctors like to do today, a pill for everything.
Can you consult another doctor? Surely they can't all be necessary.
by Vee
I have four different tablets a day. I know that if I didn't take them I would be a lot worse. I recently went into hospital for a medication review. I am now on a third of the dosage that I used to be, plus I am now only on two pills for that condition. I feel so much better now. New lease on life. I had become toxic on one of my pills and was having severe side effects. I am on the bare minimum of tablets now.
I never took any medication until just recently when it was found that my ever increasing indigestion was a problem so one tablet daily (when I don't forget) is a small price to pay for relief
Usually a low dose antidepressant but at the moment I'm on mega doses of multiple things for eczema. Hopefully it's only a shirt term thing.
In the late 20th, & early 21st Century, the price one pays to stay well, & maybe even live longer, is to take various medications, as one grows 'older'.

This is a fact of 'life'! At least we've the ability to do so, unlike persons' multiple generations back.

Thank goodness for R&D, scientists, doctors, pharmacists et al, for this ability.
May it long prosper.

I do wish the humungously wealthy of this Country would contribute more funds to it, rather than spend their largesse on 'pie in the sky' projects like ships, & resorts!
Fortunately, no.
Thankfully, no
Yes - having had breast cancer twice I take medication for this. Also medication for high BP. That's it. I count myself fortunate at 70 that's all the ailments I have to deal with.
I used to take Lipitor for many years with awful side effects till I saw a Naturopath who told me it is diet related. See a Naturopath but do not let them make excuses to keep having you back too many times because they can be expensive. The diet is quite simple to follow and I take a natural plant sterol tablet every day wich helps as well. Follow the diet !
My doctor tried to put me on it as a "preventative". I said NO. They are holding statins up as wonder drugs for every damn thing . . . well, I remember all the Thalidomide babies so I trust no "wonder drugs".
by Rice
Not any more.
by Vee
Thankfully no and I hope to keep it that way.
I’m in my late 60’s, but I’ve never needed prescription drugs. My husband was taking the ones in the photo, for his heart.
i have had to take them for 3 weeks, for my left eye cataract removal about 2 months ago, & will have to start again next Monday, for another 3 weeks, when I have the other eye done. (It's now the middle of Sept, '17)
by Miro
yes i'll go blind if i stop. $30 odd dollars a month and PBS does not cover it so insurance is not allowed to cover it either.
Sadly yes.
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