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Do you regularly clean your oven and hotplates?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you regularly clean your oven and hotplates?

With what?

#Hot plates
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Since I had a mouse in the kitchen, I seem to clean the hot plates after each use or when they have marks on them. This is usually each time I cook!

The oven, however, as explained in a previous question, is pyrolitic - cleans itself. So just turn it on the programme, it heats to a very high temperature and all the dirt falls away in the form of a white dust - no chemicals involved.

I also just use soap and water on the hope plates, and Enjo which I "swear by" as it just goes on and on and on - have had the same ones for many years now and they make anything look good, once again without chemicals
by Finy
The oven and hotplates get cleaned about once a week, unless some particular splashes, and gets cleaned up after cooking.
I've got a pyrolitic oven which makes cleaning a breeze - I just need to put it on "pyro mode" and the ultra high temperatures incinerate any dirt and debris in the oven, and then all it may need at the end is a wipe to remove the fine ash. I prefer to do this on colder days to possible help warm up the house, and now that I have solar electric panels I run this cycle during the day when I get "free" electricity
me too - surprisingly not many people have them.
by Finy
I clean the hot plates about once a week
. If it gets dirty before then, I will clean it as required. It doesn't seem to need it more often than That, unless I have been a messy cook !! The oven doesn't get cleaned very often. We just had an oven repairman come and service the oven and replace a globe, so he did it for us, and he told me a few oven cleaning tricks !!!
Ah! this is a pet pea of mine.
Well really a obsession.

So much so that I would never use a oven that was not spotless.

I have a dreaded fear...
My oven after 7 years of living in a new house was use all the time, and when I left...on inspection no one would believe me that I did use it...They said it looked brand new.

I cleaned it every single time.
I don't have or never did have gas for hot plates like above...If I did they too would be cleaned every single time.

My OCD is mainly for stoves! and it is Big Time.
So the problem would not arise with me, never has...I'm that CrAzY about having the cleanest stove in town.

Started years ago, and now it's such a bug bare.
you made me smile Jonaj
by Finy
Probably because I am such a nut? LOL
by jonaja
We clean our stove top each time we cook. Every now and then I take the cast iron parts of and soak overnight in a sink of very hot water with Biozet. In the morning I go over them with a stiff brush and rinse and they look like new. The brass burners and aluminium rings get a good clean at the same time if I have time but I am not too fussy about them because they discolour as soon as they are used.
My oven gets a wipe over when there is a spill, but it is self cleaning.
I wipe the hotplates with paper towels after use and give them a good clean from time to time when I am washing the dishes. The oven is another matter. I have no idea what the heck they TRIED to clean the oven with but I have been trying to get the chemical smell out for 12 months. I hate using it. Plus, the instruction manual is under the oven - we can't get it out - and I am afraid it will catch fire.
by Rice
Our oven was also self clean, but we haven't been able to use it for about 10 years now! I only use the microwave & 2 hotplates that sit on the other hotplates (that also don't work,) on the stove. I clean those after I washed up every evening.
by Miro
I definitely don't clean my oven enough
by AJ
I hate cleaning the hotplates. My husband does it everytime they have marks on them.
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