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Do you recycle?

by chipp (follow)
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There is so much waste in the world. Do you find yourself recycling certain things like plastic bags and glass bottles. Do you recycle and if so what do you recycle?

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Yes, paper, cardboard, glass and plastic bottles. I also compost. We have a very small general waste bin and a huge recycling one, so even neighbours who might not want to are encouraged by our council to do it. I do it because it is better for the environment. I also reuse things or repurpose them when I can. We all have to take responsibility for what we use.
yes, paper and bottles/cans - Batteries and cork at Ikea. Ebaying stuff we don't need. Clothes go to Womens refuge. We create so much stuff...it's bad.
Yes...I recycle those pasta glass bottles. Then I put nicknaks in like nuts, bolts, craft stuff.
I try to do my bit with newspapers and recycling magazine by giving it to schools. However, our area does not have a recycle bin, and it is pretty hard to drive out your way just to drop off one bag of bottles or tins!
Yes we do recycle.

What?.. we clean Vegemite jars and give them to charity, as we saw they sell them for 50 cents ect...maybe people I guess can use them for screws or nails, in the garage ect.
I cut up very very old towels, and put in a bag and give to my son for his workshop.
If I didn't have anyone to give them too, instead of throwing them out do the same....and give to your mechanic...He will love you for them... cut into 30 cm's squares.Some are just too 'yucky' to give to charity.But great for another use.
Bubble wrap is never thrown out in our house, we use it again when sending gifts.
Same for padded bags. If there is a postal-stamp mark on the front of the bag, you can use Liquid paper, to cover it up.Also from over the senders name at the back.To seal it up for sending, use sticky tape.

We always keep the screws that come with a purchase that (give an option to hang an item if we are not going to hang it).
We have also found out that with our water filter,we do not change the filter as much as they say.So that saves on excess plastic in the rubbish bin.

I try very hard not to buy tinned goods, and only fresh.Less tins, to re-cycle.

Not as much as I'd like to. However, yes I do recycle. Mainly paper.
Aside from putting stuff in the recycle bin my family tries to reuse stuff when we can. For example, we use a lot of egg cartons and cereal boxes in kids' crafts.
I think is very imported to try and reuse things and not just put them in the recycling bin and make it all become someone else's problem. we reuse paper, card, jam jars, wine bottles, Food scraps for the worms and chickens, Office paper is shredded for bedding for the animals. Lots of stuff that is tossed into the recycling bin can be used for crafts. find a friend who makes jam and wants your jam jars or someone who has chickens and needs the egg boxes. Start by refusing to buy over packaged food when you go shopping
Definitely. I recycle all the normal household items in our council recycling bin. I even bring home items from the kitchen at work - especially things like plastic milk bottles as people there just throw them in the normal bin. I just can't stand seeing them go in the normal rubbish. I also collect corks which can be taken to "The Body Shop" & they send them away for recycling. Any other unwanted usable items I no longer want I take to our local Lifeline shop
I try to recycle as much as I can. I even tear things apart into their recyclable bits, and cringe with guilt if I don't.
by Vee
Yes, I'm a bit of a fanatic about recycling everything.
I recycle and use the council recycle bin. I try not to buy overpackaged goods. I use old envelopes and the blank back of printed sheets for writing lists, notes and reminders.I like to repurpose things, it can be a fun challenge. I have cut up old rubber gloves to make strong rubber bands rather than buying new rubber bands. I use old margarine containers to grow seedlings and swap with gardening friends.

Everything I can, that's permitted.
I nearly fill the Council recycling bin each fortnight!
It's a good feeling, it makes me think I'm helping the Earth in a very small way!
Yes we do. We have several garbage cans in the house to separate things.
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