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Do you really believe all the hype about new Superfoods?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: flickr -slgckgc

Do you really believe everything you read and hear about new superfoods?

Which ones do you eat?

#Low calories
#High nutrients
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I am beginning not to believe all the hype as there are too many different ones coming on to the market.

What research has been done, or do they just announce it is a super food.

I have stopped buying these usually expensive items, each time they declare there is a new one!
by Finy
No I'm afraid I don't....my mother lived to nearly 90 without so called 'super foods'
by fran
Yes . . and I bet she lived on butter, lard, suet and dripping. We are now being told to go back and eat what they used to eat. About time too. Fresh veges, fruit, dairy and meat . . . no fancy additives back then. All real food is superfood. I have a sign on my pantry that says, "Eat food; not food-like substances." :-))
by Rice
The term 'superfood' is just a marketing ploy. In simple normal language, these foods are simply health foods that are exceptionally high in nutritional value. They also aren't 'new', although they may be to some people who previously weren't previously familiar with them. So, no, I don't necessarily get swept up in all the hype that surrounds the so-called superfoods, although I do eat most of them. I try to eat in a health-conscious way, and am always open to learning about foods that will help me to maintain my health and energy as the years go by.
I had severe acne problems at one stage and I introduced LOT of berries in my diet. I would buy heaps of strawberries, blackberries and blueberries and use them for my smoothie or shake. It did wonders for me. But I didn't know about the concept of superfood until then. It is just a word for food high in nutritional value and I would not eat anything just for this label. I do my research online or on blogs before wasting lots of money on some of these things.
by BK
No I don't. I think we should just eat a healthy and balcned diet (that means it can include cream cakes).
totally agree -about the cream cakes!
by Finy
I do believe it, though calling them "superfood" is just hyberpole. Food has traditionally been used as a form of medicine for many thousands of years. We have just lost touch with our roots and our animal nature and now need reminding of it! If you observe animals closely, they will eat what they need at different times to suit different needs. This all that the hype about superfoods is really doing - re-educating us about how food can help and heal as well as feed us.
As for which ones do I eat, well.... depends what you consider to be a superfood I suppose! Quinoa, blueberries, salmon, kale, broccoli, grapefruit, amaranth, flaxseed.... all form part of my diet.
So true, Verity.
by Rice
No - foods go in and out of fashion
by AJ
I like to look into them. I try to eat as healthy as possible, so I do eat quite a few of them. But, having said that, I am aware of how marketing works, so the more hype they make, the more I wonder about things! I am also careful about the source of the info. I am more likely to listen to the advice/info from an independent source than from the mass media...I also like to know about supportive studies to back up the claims, and the number of participants in and the duration of the studies.
No, not everything. It's great if a food is very nutritious, but if you eat a balanced, varied diet you don't really need any particular "superfood". I like blueberries, quinoa and probably others that don't immediately spring to mind. I wouldn't eat them if I didn't enjoy them though. Oh, and I am trying to grow Goji berries in my garden. I don't believe most of the claims about them but they're a good source of vitamin C and I got a seedling fairly cheaply so it's worth a shot.
Nope. It's all about balance
I take no notice of these type of advertisements , I eat what I want to eat.
Nope. Just a load of .... to try & sell stuff!
Nope. The price of things like goji berries is exhorbitant. Was it P.T.Barnum that said, "There's a sucker born every minute" . . ? If we all cooked our own meals with fresh ingredients we'd all be better off, healthwise and pennywise.
by Rice
I think the focus on health is great and if the introduction of Superfoods puts people on the path to consuming more wholefoods that is a great thing. Superfoods however aren't any better than a variety of real unprocessed foods. I saw this a while back and thought it was great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPGnBkH3fBg
Thanks for the link, samia, it's pure gold!! :-))
by Rice
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