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Do you read to your children?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
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reading aloud to children, literacy, discovery day in Laos
Addy Vannasy reads aloud to children at a village Discovery Day in Laos. Image by Wikipedia user "Blue Plover".

Reading aloud is a technique often used to help children develop a love of reading.

Do you read aloud to your children? If not, why not?

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Absolutely! I've read to my children from a very early age as not only is it a fun activity, it's a great way to improve their language skills and strengthen their vocabulary. I was read stories when I was a child and fond memories of this, and it's something I now really enjoy as a parent. There are so many fun kids books out there, and I think it's a great treat for their imaginations.
Yes. I started reading to my children from a young age and still read aloud to my boys ages 8 and 12. Even thought they can read unassisted now they enjoy me reading aloud to them.
My mum always used to read to me. We would go through the book together and she would do all the voices. I don't have kids, but if I did, I would read to them, and show them the book, and words while reading. I'd probably get them to 'help' me sound some words out the second time they appeared.
Yes every day I read to them, even the 1 year old.
Yes, both my husband and I read aloud to our son in the hope that he will come to love reading and take an active interest in it himself. Besides, it's great for bonding and I love picture books.
by Vee
My children were read to before they were born, that way, they got used to hearing MY voice.

Once born, the Editorial of the local paper was read to them every morning.
At each 'age' they were read appropriate books.
This continued until THEY were happy enough to read on their own.

As a result, English & reading were never a problem for them all their School years'.
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