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Do you read the Sunday paper?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: www.pressgazette.co.uk

Do you spend time reading the Sunday papers any more?

#Sunday papers
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I get the Sunday paper delivered however nowadays it is only for the weekly television programme.

I find most of what is in the Sunday paper, rubbish, so often I do not bother reading past the front page which is sometimes a ridiculous heading even!

I used to read it from front to back and the magazines as well, however now I have better things to do - occasionally I will start reading it but there are so many full page advertisements, that I generally end up giving up.
by Finy
I don't read the paper anymore unless there is a free paper at the train station while I am waiting. I just watch the evening news on TV.
I have not read the Sunady paper for many, many years. I used to get it for the tv guide but now I just look at the online one. I also read Bing news online if I want to know that state of the nation.
by Rice
No need too.
I can get the same news online.
I would say in a few yrs, no more newspapers.
Think of the tree's we would save?
If I'm out at a S/C, having a Cappucino, & there's a paper available, I'll read it.
But I don't get home delivery anymore as 9 times out of 10, the paper wasn't delivered.

The only papers I read now are Fri & Sat 'Australian' & Sat 'SMH'.
Get local paper online for free as part of a deal.
No. We never buy the newspaper any day of the week.
The Sunday Mail is the ONLY paper I ever would buy.My friend owned the newsagency, and would deliver it when he was doing his early Sunday round when my son was very small.(The rest of the week's papers were a total waste of my money!!) I was only getting it for the TV guide which back then(20 odd years ago!) was actually really good !! The price went up,the quality went down,and I just stopped even getting this once a week publication!!! I can get everything I need online now,as far as both TV guide and News is concerned!! I am not a huge watcher of TV anyway,so buying a paper just for a guide which is next to useless to me,just is not worth the effort or the cash!!!
2 of 9 Sunday basic/yes/no/sort-of answered question day.
no have not read it for many years waste of time, when most of the news is on the internet on tv
I must admit to not reading the Sunday (or Saturday) papers since the advent of the internet. I still do catch up with the news via television at times.
I have childhold memories of sneaking the "funnies" from my father's Sunday Mail each weekend and hurrying to read them before he realised and asked for their return (as this happened every weekend I have a suspicion that I was indulged!!!)
i used to, like years ago, when we had a weekend
subscription for 1/2 price, but not since then. I just watch the tv news. A friend buys the Sunday Telegraph every Sunday.& one of my 2 sisters buys the SMH on Saturdays.
No, unless they are on the table of my favourite coffee shop. In the days where technology makes it so easy for you to get your news online anywhere the sunday paper seems redundant
Yes as the TV News is so lacking in content.
Yes always, but sometimes it just seems to be a sports paper rather than International news and recent topics.
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