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Do you read print newspapers or catch the news online?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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newspaper, journal, online, news, media, printed

Print media may be a thing of the past. However, the traditionalists argue that there is nothing better than reading the morning paper with a cup of coffee or tea. The contemporaries may affirm that catching up on world news and events is more efficient and "greener" online.

Do you like to read the newspaper in the printed form or do you prefer it online? Where do you get your daily news hit?

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Generally I just catch up online and read the stories that interest me. By doing this it means if I find a particular story I enjoy, I'll then google it and find out a bit more rather than just read one perspective from a printed paper. It's a more environmentally friendly practice too.
I stopped watching the news and reading newspapers on 9/11. Most of the news that gets reported is negative or devastating and since there is nothing I can do in most cases, what is the point of getting upset by it. The news that I need to know reaches me via family, friends and social media.
Totally agree! If its news I NEED to know I'll hear about it from someone.
I've never really liked newspapers - your fingers get dirty! For me the iPad is a godsend for news. I use the free Sydney Morning Herald app as the headlines are usually all I want to read anyway, and like Helen I google if there's something that really interests me.
During the week, I catch my news online. But on a Sunday, I love reading the print newspaper over brekky with a cup of coffee.
I never buy a newspaper anymore, instead catch up on the headlines via social media or online newspaper sites. Have to agree with Ivana Katz's comment to say that most of the time, news stories are filled with doom and gloom, what is the point in reading about world devastation and misery. I find that I am quite selective with the stories that I do read.
I read the local newspapers which bring me up to date with what's happening in my locality, but in terms of world news, I have subscriptions to newsletters from my favourite sites, such as CNN, NPR (National Public Radio (US radio channel)), NYT (New York Times), and I get an email notification in case of a "breaking news", otherwise, I get daily newsletters. I only read the whole article if the title is of interest to me.
I haven't purchased a newspaper in ages. The last time I purchased one was because my letter to the editor was published in it, and I wanted to keep a hard copy.
Glance online at ninemsn.com.au
Otherwise on a Sunday, it is good to flick through the newspaper once in a while.
I do not read Newspapers.........but!
My 84 year old neighbour next door does all day long,he is also very deaf.

I use to love watching people read on the train...or bus.
Or at the table...as you have your breakfast, something quite civilised about it.

Rather quaint, opposed to sitting at a computer or t.v. looking for 'what the world is up too''.
Sadly.....I do the latter, and its not really as much fun.
My Dad bought the Herald Sun daily and I became hooked as a teenager.
Now with the internet I don't read the paper anymore, I just check Yahoo news.
However, one of my favourite pastimes is going to a shopping centre cafe with my husband and we'll both grab a paper to read with our coffee. We each sit there in silence (we don't need to talk, we talk the rest of the day), and relax. When we come across an article we want to share, we discuss that. I actually really enjoy doing that - it's like a 'timeout' from everything. I'm sure it looks funny, both of us just sipping coffee reading separate papers in silence.
I LOVE print newspapers but they are simply not worth the money and hassle anymore. Everything is free online and it's too tempting for lazy me to simply look news up.
I live in a one Murdoch newspaper city, so don't buy it and read olnline news fom i/state & o/seas. we've become used to doing it for free, but then how will 'real' journalism be paid for if we don't get charged? I read l paper at my library sometimes, and buy my local paper, it writes about my community, and it has news I want to hear. Oh, my other half buys The Guardian once a fortnight - I read the articles I'm interested in.
Neither, I watch the news on TV
by Finy
I do watch the early morning and evening news on TV but enjoy the Sunday newspaper as well as the free local ones delivered as I catch up on all the local news and happenings that aren't shown on TV.
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