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Do you read ebooks or paper books?

by elise (follow)
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With technology advancing so quickly, many popular books and textbooks are released in ebook formats as well. Do you prefer to read books made of paper or do you have an ereader, such as a Kindle, or do you read from your laptop, or handheld electronic devices, such as an IPad or IPhone? With so many mediums now available and so many books released in electronic formats, there are so many benefits to reading electronically; however, sometimes there is nothing that can replace the traditional way. What do you find most comfortable and convenient way of reading?

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A combination of the two as I do have some print books at home
I do both. Since I'm packing to move house I'm currently acutely aware how much space books can take up and how dusty they can get. I have a Kindle, and I like that it's lightweight, compact (a lot more so than the paper versions of the dozen or so books I have on it would be) and nobody can see what I'm reading. On the other hand it is a bit unreliable (I have had problems lately trying to get it to charge) which is never a problem with a "real" book. Also, I would never take my Kindle in the bath, but I love doing that with traditional books.

There is something lovely about having a book in your hands so I don't think ebooks will ever replace them entirely.
I like both very much.

A book can slip into my bag, and I can take it with me....
I also like stories on computer, I don't have a iPhone, or iPad.
If books ever became a thing of the past, I would become quite depressed....in fact, I just would hate that idea.

There is room for all kinds of reading .
As much as I'm a fan of paper books (the look, the feel, the scent), ebooks are much cheaper and take up less space (no bookshelf space required). Kindle has become my best friend.
Mine too. Her name is Mrs Murphy. I have a friend who called hers Miss Lemon.
by Rice
I bought a kindle to save space and money on the books I read, but I actually prefer reading physical books. They are easier to follow, more engaging, and look nice to display.
I enjoy paper books, since so much of my life is spent on the computer.
I prefer reading physical books though I have not read anything on an eReader. I agree with Jennifer that 'there is something lovely about having a book in your hands'. I also find that I am not as easily engaged by reading text on a screen as I am when reading text in a book.

As for textbooks, I can completely appreciate the practicality of carrying an eReader compared to that of carrying a load of books! Having said that, I like to physically annotate and highlight text as I read and I cannot do that on an eReader.

The problem of expensive books is quickly solved by borrowing from the library or purchasing second hand books, which has become even easier to do with the help of the internet.
by Vee
I do keep some smaller non-fiction and reference type E-books on my iPad but generally, whether it's a book or a magazine I prefer to read it in print. For me it's much more comfortable and relaxing.
I still love print books but find it convenient to have a collection of books I am working with in a small gadget I can carry around in my handbag or my back pocket! I do tend to read couple of books at the same time..so if I had to carry them around? but I most certainly wouldn't give up that feeling of touching a book or the smell of a book ever!
I read ebooks on my phone most of the time but my wife likes reading paper books.
Having spent 39 years reading very long passages of info for work, multiple times each day, on computer, I love paper books instead!

When going for appts., ALWAYS take a book, a portable audio-cassette or CD player, & my ITablet now, with N/C headset! I'm fed-up with being taken in way past my time, so at least I've got something to interest ME, whilst I wait & wait, don't have to chat with others' or listen to the TV set-up!
I prefer paper books even though I have an electronic device I only bought because it was mauve and have used once.
I prefer paper books even though I have an electronic device I only bought because it was mauve and have used once.
There is a place for either. E-books are great for O/S travel. But give me a paper book any time I am home.
I also agree there is the use for both, Ebooks don't look so nice on the shelf tho LOL
No, I just always read paper books. I guess because I don’t own any handheld electronic devices, except a laptop & I didn’t know 1 could read books on them.
E-books and I bless the day they were invented. I had nearly given up reading due to not being able to wrangle a book because of arthritis but my Kindle changed all that. I am now back to my old bookworm self.
by Rice
Both. But I prefer paper books.
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