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Do you re-gift presents that you really don't want or like?

by Sandy Ludinski (follow)
As a freelance writer I enjoy writing about a variety of subjects. You can read more of my articles on my blog: babybloomin.wordpress.com or at http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/124491/
Gifts (51)      Presents (29)      Re-gift (1)     

Ugly cat teapot

We've all been given presents that make us think, what the ........?

What do you do with these items? Do they stay at the back of a cupboard, never to see the light of day again, or do you re-gift them?

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I have been known to regift, but I will never own up to it properly! Better that the present be used - then hidden or thrown out entirely.
Agree, better that someone gets use of the gift than being wasted. Most gifts I get are great but then not everyone knows how to choose, they often select for themselves instead of who they are buying for. Im at the stage in life that I really don't NEED anything more in my cupboards that I don't/can't use. However, you do need a good memory on who to pass the gift on to LOL!
by brigi
I can honestly say that I have never done that. But maybe I have just been lucky not to get anything I wasn't happy to receive.
I might give a scarf or something to to my mum, but not as a gift. I'd just hand them over and ask if she wants them. If not then it will either go to the charity shop or clog up space in the house until sufficient time has past for it not to be 'rude' to get rid of.
That's my strategy too! Nobody's feelings get hurt!
YES, all the time!!
Yup, if I know someone who would like it, then absolutely. Just because I don't like something, doesn't mean it's valueless.
Very good point!
No, I have not done this as if I don't like it, I would not pass it on.
by Finy
O, I was gonna say that I've never gotten a gift that I hated but then I remembered that I got one of those organizer pouches with a calculator, that you can use to write down appointments, and help to organize your schedule. I never used it one day in my life. I put it down and totally forgot about it. The next time I saw it a family members was putting it in the garbage a long time after.
I didn't even bother to stop them as by then it wasn't in a state to be pass on to anyone else.
Generally though if I did get a gift that I didn't liked I wouldn't give it to anyone else unless I know for sure that it is something functional that can be used or is needed by that person.
I regift thing I do like too but that I will not use.
by Gia
I re- gift them or donate them for the many fundraising raffles my volunteer groups organise.
I can Honestly say no to this Question as I never receive any Gifts.
I've never re-gifted anything. I've kept a couple of items in the hope that family might want them one day.
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