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Do you put 'stick people' on your car?

by chipp (follow)
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stickers on cars

Driving around town you will always see cars with stick people on them representing their family. Do you put 'stick people' on your car? And if so, which ones do you have on?

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No. I don't think people need to know how many people are in the family, what animals there are and what everyone likes to do. To much information for people I don't know!
Yesssssss because I felt left out?
No. I find the idea of broadcasting personal details to total strangers a bit weird.
Right?! I so don't get it...
Not at all. Its like giving out too much information.
No, stickers on cars look bad when they begin to age, peel and fade.
by Vee
No. I don't see the harm in them, but all the same haven't bothered to buy any.
Really, Sarah? Think about it!
by donjo
No, as I find this a very strange thing to do!
Why would you tell "all and sundry" how many people in your family?

Lucky we are all different as there are plenty of people who put these on their windows!
by Finy
I find this so weird - the whole baby on board was meant to be so ambulance drivers knew to look for a baby that had been thrown clear at a crash site, with the driver unconscious. As if all the family are in the car at the same time all the time?
I don't get this fad at all.
I do however, like the zombie that ate the stick figure family, the dingo that ate the stick figure family and the single lone stick figure...I don't know why I find them so funny, but I do...
WHY would you let all the 'weirdo's' out in society in this day & age, know your family make-up?

All a stalker would have to do if interested from info of your car 'stick figures', is follow you until you got home.
So now, 'he' knows the number of persons in your family, the gender of your kids, & how many you've got of each, that's downright creepy right there, what pets you have, maybe what sports in which you participate, & where you live.
Why not just put your phone number with the stick figures as well? Then the 'stage' is set, at a minimum for a 'home invasion'. At a maximum, for who knows what?

This is one of THE most ridiculous 'fads' I've ever seen. Just plain, straight out stupidity. All for the sake of 'big noting' yourself!

In today's society, nobody can be trusted, unfortunately.
Spot on
by fran.
Exactly. Thanks Donjo, you saved me from having to write the same thing!
by poppy
That's about as stupid as the bad drivers who put "baby on board" signs on their cars. The only benefit is to warn other drivers that they probably won't be concentrating on their driving.
I concur!
What's the person driving behind you supposed to do? Go at a snail's pace, due signage?
Ever heard of 'baby-jacking'? Why advertise you've got a baby in the car?
Another version of 'big noting' yourself that you've had a kid!
by donjo
Stick figures on the car are as bad as young girls having personalised number plates with their name emblazoned on it, which are also as bad as little toddlers and kids having their name on T shirts. There's an awful lot ofopportunists out there.
by fran.
Hate them! It does not pay to advertise to any weirdo that happens by. A girl in our staff car park had one with all the members hanging on a gallows and a sign that read F*CK your family! Nasty.
by Rice
No, I don't put stick people on my car, what for? I'm not keen on stickers on the car in the first place.
I confess I have a chuckle when I see them on a car but I'd never do it myself. Prefer to keep my family members to myself.
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