Do you put chicken necks and giblets in soup?
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Yes, I sure do!
I just made the loveliest soup using them.
Even though they look awful when raw, they taste so good, and are very healthy also.
Definitely gives soup flavour.
Definitely. I love when the necks get soft enough for me to chew the bones.
me too, and I thought I was the only one to do this!
The necks definitely! The giblets are wonderful to make pate with! My parents taught me how to use every part of the chicken , so as to save money as well as have super-delicious food to eat!!! A lot of people have just never been taught how to utilise these parts of the chicken.Or they have a mindset about them being awful. I must say that I feel that way about chicken FEET!! Not for me, I'm afraid!! HA HA HA !!!!
Ewww no. I don't eat chicken. In principle I think if you're going to eat chicken it's good not to waste bits but they are so gross. I guess once it's in soup you wouldn't see it though.
Nope.Not a fan but my dogs are.
No I don't, as I've never made chicken soup & I only use chicken thighs in my recipes.
Absolutely. It makes a wonderful broth for chicken sooup.
Yuk! I have had soup made by my Greek neighbour using chicken feet which was tasty and I've made pate out of chicken livers but draw the line at having them in my soup.
No. When I make chicken soup, I'll throw in a couple of drumsticks. We only ever bought chicken necks for our cat...but he is no longer with us.
My dogs love the necks. My vet recommends them over wing and drumsticks. If I say, "Who wants a chicken neck?" . . . it's get out of the way . . . quickly!
Has your vet given you a reason as to why they recommend them over wings and drumsticks?
Yes. Less chance of choking or splintering of bones and she seemed to think they had more actual food value. My furbabies seem to agree as thay deffo like necks better than anything.
Love chicken necks and giblets equally. Giblet soup is my favourite since childhood and when I make chicken stock/broth I use sometimes 4 kg. of necks. I get the most flavour and the least fat using necks. The giblets are very tasty and hang on to a bit of texture too.
However, I must say that even using so many necks to get a stock, I still end up with a very WEAK chicken stock. Don't know what happened to chickens but it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to buy an ACTUAL boiler anymore. Have bought the free range, the corn fed, the you-name-it chickens and the ALL lack flavour.
No, I don't use necks or giblets, I tend to go for chicken carcass, or wings or portions.
I do not make chicken soup, although I do remember my mother making it with the necks and giblets, very tasty, I think that she also used the feet maybe I am wrong. I do enjoy the feet at yum cha not the plain feet the one they have some sort of red seasoning on them
No but I use a whole chicken. Necks bight be cheaper and would give great flavour.
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